5 Things You Should Do When You Buy a Large Telephoto Lens

Large telephoto lenses are some of the most powerful and exciting optical tools out there, able to capture faraway action like birds or sports and create dynamic images. Nonetheless, they take some special considerations in order to get the most out of them and to ensure you are not straining yourself physically when using one. This helpful video tutorial discusses five things you should do whenever you buy a large telephoto lens. 

Coming to you from Steve Mattheis, this great video tutorial discusses five things you should do when you purchase a large telephoto lens. One thing that is absolutely necessary for using such a lens in a monopod. Not only are these lenses heavy, often pushing 7-8 lbs (3.3-3.6 kgs) or more, often, that weight is extended over a significant length, adding a lot of leverage as well. This can make them very physically taxing to use, and as you tire, your ability to hold the lens steady for a sharp shot also diminishes. Many pros will also opt for gimbal head to ensure quick and easy movement for following the sort of fast action such lenses are frequently used for. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Mattheis. 

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Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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