6 Affordable Products All Photographers Should Buy

Buying accessories for photography can be a never-ending game, however in this video by Simon d'Entremont, Simon covers some of the most essential products that you should own to make your life easier. All of these products can be found for under $100!

Most experienced photographers will most likely have all or most of these items but if not, they should be something you can ask for in your Christmas Stocking this year. Simon has provided a list of 6 fantastic items no photographer should be without.

Starting off with Solid State Drives (SSDs), these are small, portable, and vital ways of backing up your files whether at home or on the road. As competition and technology improve, the prices are becoming more affordable and you can find great products for under $100. Next up, we have sensor cleaning kits which for anyone shooting mirrorless is a must-have to keep that pesky dust and fluff off of your sensor.

d'Entremont then continues to show off the other 4 products which are a must in this very detailed video and explains why you should own them.  What items on d'Entremont's list are a must-have for you? Do you recommend anything else? Leave a comment to let us know.

Greg Sheard's picture

Greg Sheard is a Scottish based photographer, focusing on wildlife, landscape and portrait work. Greg's mission in life is too help those who suffer with mental health issues and be a voice for the millions of people around the world who need that care, attention and awareness.

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The other four are:
Power bank
Camera straps and harnesses
Memory card wallet
Adjustable LED light
And the bonus item: Intervalometer

Thanks, I hate watching videos for a short list of items. In fact, I am tired of videos altogether, which take up more time to consume information and make it more difficult to later refer back to a particular bullet point, if desired. I prefer reading to videos most any day of the week.

kind of agree with the list , we often underestimate the important game changing time economie of small item