Sony Lens Recommendations for Sports Photographers

Whether you’re making the switch or just starting out with the Sony Alpha mirrorless system, sports photographers will want to watch this video that examines which lenses are worth your while to kit up with.

Sony Artisan and long-time professional sports photographer Patrick Murphy-Racey recently sat down with a small fortune of lenses to talk shop on the gear he’s come to rely on in the Alpha mirrorless system. While it’s a longer video than what’s typically featured here on Fstoppers, it’s thorough with its insight and answers many questions that sports photographers may be asking in regards to which lens pairs well with what sports and how to decide between all the different options available. I’ll say that Murphy-Racey’s enthusiasm for reporting what he knows and what he’s experienced while working the sidelines makes the 47 minutes move by quickly.

In addition to overviewing several of his favorite lenses, Murphy-Racey also compares a few different sets of seemingly similar lenses in the Sony lineup. All in all, if you’ve been curious on trying Sony cameras for sports or are just trying to decide which lens to get next, this is going to be the right video for you.

Ryan Mense's picture

Ryan Mense is a wildlife cameraperson specializing in birds. Alongside gear reviews and news, Ryan heads selection for the Fstoppers Photo of the Day.

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