Pep Ventosa experiment

By all means the background on this needs so serious work, but other than that I am looking for any CC. Thanks!

Minimal barn

Just taking advantage of a December snowstorm to create some minimal images. These are some I have put to one side for...

Tree ICM Composite

I have been playing with ICM now that I have my new camera. I am also playing with compositing now that I am beginning...


I shot this with my Nikon S9500 because the boys were moving and it was handy. (You know the old saying about the best...

Changing Styles

A photo from November. Quite different from the photos I usually took, but the antique look was kept.

ICM magazine recommendation

As interest in ICM has been growing I'd like to recommend a magazine that not only features some great artwork but...

ICM and composite Exploration

I have a minimal amount of experience in IMC, but I wanted to try compositing. The original picture is of a tree. I did...


This reminds me of one of the few Star Trek movies I did not enjoy.

Hand Torn Paper

I have a friend who makes paper and binds it into books. The edges are hand torn; I'm not a paper maker, so I don't...

First Snow ICM

These are three different edits of a 7-layer ICM composite. I finally got the first snow of the season here in Indiana...


Railroad tracks

First Try With Capture One Pro

-Before & After- Note: Basic adjustments from Affinity and adjustments+presets from the Nik Collection Plugins...


A bridge has a lot of rivets

Expression Experiment

While these pictures are of faces, I don’t know that I would classify them as portraits though. I was experimenting,...

deep forest horror...

I've shared this with friends and it was mentioned a few times it reminds them of a book jacket, for an evil book. :) A...

Most Dramatic Before-After Comparisons I Ever Did!

The tomato photos from earlier this year, and the plant photo from last month. Been delaying this due to exams, but.....

The Winter Mountains

First landscape photos this year! Which one should I put into my portfolio? Any comments?

Creative Palette Cleansing: False color and creative edits.

These were just for fun, just stepping back and being a little more open with my edits; cleansing the creative palette...

The White Tree

This is a five shot composite taken in the woods behind my house. It is to some extent a Pep Ventosa, as I did alter my...

Dusk on the Charles

Just something a bit different from me. This was taken looking up the Carles river from Boston as the sun was going...