I'm envious of the fortunate people who live near Maine's beautiful landscapes. This proximity provides numerous opportunities to capture the perfect shot of some of my favorite lighthouses. But what happens when you make the trek and the skies simply don't want to cooperate?
I have a fondness for lighthouses, evident from the unusual number of posts on my Instagram page. That's why I've been making annual trips to Maine to photograph its many lighthouses located close to each other. This year, however, Mother Nature was uncooperative during my trip. Day after day, I pursued sunrises and sunsets that were disappointingly lackluster, with little drama in the sky.
What's a photographer to do? There I was, perched on a rock in the dark, off the beaten path, needing to shift my focus away from the sunrise. Here are some alternative shots to consider when the skies won't cooperate.
Looking up to the sky proved fruitless, and so, I looked down at the puddles formed by rising and lowering tides. At just the right angle, I was able to catch the lighthouse in some of the pools of water made by the rocks. Depending on the wave activity and my shutter speed, I was able to get some shots where the lighthouse looked like an abstract painting in the reflection, a mirror image, or somewhere in between.

Long Exposures
When the sky isn't captivating, the water can be the focal point. It's easier to use a longer shutter speed during the dim light before and after sunrise and sunset, creating a misty, foggy effect on the water:

Instead, try a neutral density filter, such as the one I frequently use and abuse, which is the B+W MRC Nano Master #810 ND3.0 Filter. It lets me really drag out the shutter, sometimes for minutes depending on the light. Here's an example of that concept in play at Watkins Glen, New York, where I was able to make a 60-second exposure of water in broad daylight:

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the fact that you’ll need a tripod to make sharp photos this way. I’m a big fan of the Peak Design Travel Tripod for its very small profile and very light weight.
Return at Night
If the sky doesn’t want to tango during the day, maybe the stars at night will be better a better dance partner?
Returning to a location at night gives it a totally different character. In the case of Cape Neddick Light in Maine, I was able to catch Christmas lights and a beautiful sky full of stars that was less interesting just a couple of hours before.

Do you have tips to share when the weather makes for a bland photo? Share them in the comments below.
I live in Washington State and the sky seldom cooperates. These are good ideas.