Some Helpful Tips for Long Exposures in Landscape Photography

When it comes to landscape photography, long exposures are one of the most ubiquitous techniques you will see. Taking a long exposure involves more than simply cranking up that shutter speed, however. If you would like to improve your own work, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you some great tips for taking long exposures. 

Coming to you from Dave Morrow, this excellent video tutorial will show you some helpful advice for taking long exposures in landscape photography. Long exposures can be a fantastic way to take overly busy or turbulent water (or clouds) and reduce them to smooth and silky wisps that render the scene in a way that is not possible to see with the naked eye. One thing that I think is particularly clever in this video is the way Morrow uses them to create leading lines. The smooth water is already visually interesting and likely to capture the viewer's attention, and increasing the clarity of the river's flow through the use of a long exposure allows him to create a much stronger pathway through the photo and gives it a nice sense of balance. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Morrow. 

And if you really want to dive into landscape photography, check out "Photographing The World 1: Landscape Photography and Post-Processing with Elia Locardi." 

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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