How to Create Classic Portraits With Simple Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in portrait work. This helpful video will introduce you to some effective lighting techniques, emphasizing simplicity and portability.

Coming to you from Jiggie Alejandrino, this detailed video walks through a portable lighting setup for creating classic portraits. Alejandrino starts by discussing his main fill light, which he positions behind the camera. This light, modified with a large reflective umbrella, ensures even illumination on the subject. To manage shadows and enhance the fill, he uses styrofoam boards, which are lightweight and easy to transport.

Alejandrino prefers a mid-range zoom lens for half-body shots, finding it more natural than longer lenses. His camera setup includes a sturdy tripod and various clamps to attach accessories like monitors and transmitters. A tethered monitor setup allows clients to view and select images in real-time, ensuring they are happy with the results during the shoot.

For adding dimension and separation, Alejandrino uses a hair light mounted on a stand. This light helps to create depth and highlight the subject’s features. He also demonstrates a flexible approach to backdrop setup, improvising with available tools to stabilize the background when necessary. This adaptability is crucial for on-location shoots where conditions can vary.

A key component of Alejandrino’s setup is a U-shaped reflector. Instead of mounting it on a stand, he has an assistant hold it to adjust for different subject heights. This method ensures consistent light quality and reduces shadows under the chin. Another important tool is the scrim, which he uses to create soft, directional light. By combining reflective and diffusive elements, he mimics natural window light, achieving a flattering effect.

Alejandrino’s preferred lighting arrangement involves a main light paired with a softbox to diffuse the light. This setup produces gentle, even illumination, ideal for portrait photography. The video shows how adjusting the positioning and angle of the lights can dramatically change the mood and quality of the photos. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Alejandrino.

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Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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That poor assistant having to hold up the screen so the talent can see the images. All that grip and they couldn't find a better solution?

Also, what exactly was the model wearing?