How To Make Your New Camera Moment Even More Enjoyable

Waiting for that new camera or gear to arrive can be a somewhat anxious time. I don't know about you, but when I finally decide on a product after much research, I want it right away. However, there are some things you can do while you're waiting for that new camera to arrive.

Why Demanding Clients Are Best for Your Photography Career

In the early throes of your career, demanding clients with highly specified briefs can seem far more trouble than they are worth. I initially would be far more interested in the clients who offered creative freedom, but looking back, I believe I was wrong to do so. I'll explain why.

[Contest] Fstoppers Forum Contest: Best Self Portrait Wins An Apollo

Hey everyone! My name is Jaron Schneider and I am the latest addition to the Fstoppers team. If you have been visiting our page or group on Facebook, you may recognize me. I have been tasked with running FS Interactive which is our contests and social medias. We have been getting a lot of questions asking about the contests and we apologize for the wait. However, with patience often comes great things. In addition to our ongoing 2011 BTS Video Contest, we have three monthly contests now in the rotation. More details on the other two soon to come in the next week, but this week we start things off with the return of our forum contest! You have a chance to win a Westcott Apollo Orb, an innovative revamp of the classic photographic lighting tool, the Apollo. The Orb was only officially released last month, so it's a brand new product that we are really happy to give away. Big thank you to FJ Westcott! How to Win: What do you have to do to win? Just register on the forums, find this thread, and submit your best self portrait. This first contest will be judged by myself, Lee and Patrick, but after that the winner will be the judge of the next month's contest (just like old times). The winner will also get their name and photography added to the famed Fstoppers top banner with a link to your personal website. Below is a video showing you some of the features of the Westcott Apollo Orb, and view the full post to see more images and details on the product. Good luck!

Check Out These Fantastic Single-Take Live Performance Music Videos

SerialBox Presents is a live music project created by Texas photog and all-around creative, Ryan Booth. Serial Box produces music videos that are shot entirely on a few 5Dmk2s with audio tracked into ProTools. There are no overdubs, no cut-ins, and no pick-ups. What you see and hear is one time through, mistakes and all.

Why You Should Never Let Internet Trolls Define the Quality of Your Photography

One of the most toxic poisons to continued inspiration is the sudden belief that your own work is hated by your audience. Online criticism can be a harsh weight on motivation that all photographers must face at one point or another and is something that should almost always be completely ignored.

Can Your Hard Drive Survive a Swim in the Ocean? This G-Drive ev ATC Did

I baby my external hard drives. I always wrap them in bubble wrap when taking them from home to the coffee shop, and I even have a little mini-pelican case for longer trips. I couldn't imagine how bad it would be if it happened to get even a quick salt water splash, let alone get stuck in the sand. In this video, watch what happens when this G-Tech hard drive is thrown right into the surf of the ocean.

[Gear] Fstoppers Holiday Buying Guide

Happy Thanksgiving Fstoppers! I know we all haven't even started carving into our turkeys yet, but I wanted to let you know that I have just completed the Fstoppers 2011 Holiday Buying Guide. I made this guide to help narrow down some of the best ideas for gifts for the photographer or videographer in your life. I also made the guide easy to navigate based on budget by dividing the Guide by price. Don't have a lot to spend? Not to worry. There are plenty of great gifts under $100. Want to melt their face off with a ridiculous and unexpected gift? Check out the over $500 category. I will be updating the Buying Guide frequently all the way up until Christmas as more products go on sale or come to my attention. Also, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to receive quick updates on fire-sale-priced products that won't last long enough to warrant adding them to the Buying Guide. Happy shopping Fstoppers!

Pacific Northwest Escape Mission 1: Helicopter Shooting the North Cascades

Just a hop, skip, and a jump from the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington, sits one of America’s most majestic spots — and every photographer’s dream. Often called the American Alps, North Cascades National Park features endless opportunities to capture America in all its striking glory. But before you point and shoot, you need to know where to look.

Patrick And I go to Las Vegas/Shoot In A $15,000 Per Night Penthouse

I am not a rich man, and even if I was I never see myself dropping $15,000 to stay in a hotel room for one night. However, if I happened to meet someone that wanted to give it to me for free you better believe I would stay there, and set up a photoshoot. And that is exactly what happened. Click on this post to see a second video of us talking about the shoot afterwards.
[Deal] Capture One Pro 6 - 50% Off This Week Only

It seems the crew over at Phase One is in a particularly giving mood this week. They have decided to sell their flagship software title at 50% of its retail price. In fact ALL their software is 50% off. The catch? It's this week only. Capture One Pro is arguably the go to software for tethered shooting and high quality raw conversions. See the full post for more details.
What Makes a Portrait Resonate With You?

There are likely north of a billion portrait images in existence, and so, capturing an audience for your shot is absurdly difficult without having a preexisting following. Nevertheless, it's certainly possible, and I wondered what exactly makes a portrait resonate with me and if it is the same for others.
A Cry for a Built In Menu Search!

How well do you know the menu systems of your editing software? There is always that one thing you have to google to find where it is hiding in the menus. Why can't these software makers design a menu search on the menu bar? It would be faster than hunting for that damn liquify tool. Just type it in and let it populate. I have hunted for to long! Would this help your work flow? Am I just that much of a noob? Can these big software companies help us out?

[Pics] Flickr Spotlight – Lonely Trees

Trees are something that we're used to seeing together, in groups, or at least a few feet away from each other. This is why pictures of lonely trees are so magical. It makes you stop for a second and think about the place, and even make your own story for the picture. Check out this set of amazing lonely tree images chosen out of thousands of pictures on Flickr.

Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of Gear Carried Through A Waterfall

If you ever need to carry your gear through a storm or even a waterfall, the Lowepro DZ 200 waterproof backpack is your ticket. But that's not what this post is really way! Craig Pulsifer is a videographer and photographer based out of British Columbia (that's Canada for you across the sea). Instead of waiting for clients to come to him, Craig decided to start making his own commercial videos for products he personally uses like the Lowepro bag. While covering a story in the Philippines, Craig decided to hire a few local assistants to help him film video and audio clips for an exciting extreme style commercial he wanted in his port. The results might actually be better than the normal videos created by Lowepro themselves! By pushing his own creative talent and keeping the production level high, Craig has produced a compelling advertisement for his own personal show reel that will certainly help land him bigger jobs down the road. I still don't think I'll lend him any of my gear for his next adventure through the jungle!
What About Photography Hooked You? What Gripped Me Is Unusual

After nearly 15 years of being a photographer — or rather, actively practicing the craft — I had a sudden realization as to what drew me into photography in the first place. It may not be the most common attraction, but I doubt I am alone.

Combining Strangers' Photos to Create Digital Art

Turns out you don't always need to be an amazing photographer to create photographic art. I came across graphic designer Bashar Hjooj's work on Instagram, where he combines two to three photographs shot by complete strangers to create art full of imagination with his own take.

Instagram Fights Illegal Wildlife Exploitation by Warning Users in App

In many areas, animals are often illegally captured to generate money from tourists who jump at the chance to take a selfie with an exotic species, a practice that is highly dangerous for the animals involved. Instagram is taking action against the practice by providing in-app warnings and education.

Adorama Charging Station For New York Power Outage

As most of you are aware, the lower section of Manhattan is still without power. Luckily our friends at Adorama have setup a charging station to help juice up your portable electronics. In this video Mark Wallace encourages everyone to spread the word since most of those residents won't be active online. If you own any powerpacks like the Alien Bee Vagabond, if you charge it up you can get multiple charges for your cell phones or laptops.

Behind the Scenes With Massive Machinery and Landscapes

Photographing behind the scenes at any large power producing area can be difficult not only to obtain entry but also to capture the massive scale to do the area justice. The areas are normally bustling with workers, smoke from the machines, and dust from the ground. Traveling to these destinations, however, will help show the world just what goes on behind that power that they use daily.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (March 2020): Mikkel Beiter

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2020, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

Say I Do to the Right Equipment for Wedding Photography

In scenarios where you don’t get a second chance at capturing that photo, such as a proposal or a first kiss moment, you need trustworthy and high-quality equipment. In this article, we discuss the best equipment and tools for wedding photographers.