If you've been outside earlier this week, you must have noticed the gorgeous moon up there in the sky. Not only it was a full moon, but it was closer to us than usual. The 'Supermoon' is 11%-14% larger and 30% brighter than the normal-distanced moon we see every night. The reason for the change in the distance is the elliptical orbit of the moon around the Earth. Take the big-looking moon, add a telephoto lens, and you get some epic landscape and cityscape photos. Check out these awesome Supermoon images from recent years.
Want to learn how to shoot the moon and make it look huge, or how to combine it with objects and people? Check out these articles we posted in the past: Recreating An Iconic Hollywood Image Using Modern Gear, Photographer Mark Gee Captures An Absolutely Beautiful Real-Time Moonrise At 1300mm, Full Moon As Backdrop During A Highline Walk.
If you ever took photos of the Supermoon before, share them with us in the comments below or in our Facebook Group.

Photo: Ben Thé Man.
Photo: Ingrid Taylar.
Photo: Jeff Sullivan.
Photo: Ingemar Ljungdahl.
Photo: The Soft Machine.
Photo: Peter Bailey.
Photo: Alexis Bazeos.
Photo: Carlos Gotay Martínez.
Photo: Chih-Jan Fan.
Photo: Sean Duan.
Photo: Noam Galai.
Photo: Ben Thé Man.
Photo: Carlos Gotay Martínez.
Photo: Bryan Hansel.
Photo: David Yu.
Photo: Mark brunton.
Photo: Carlos Gotay Martínez.
Photo: Rob Lind.
Photo: Alex Power.
Photo: El Mundo Economía & Negocios
apparently its not really a 'supermoon'
I'll just comment on one location I'm familiar with. The Taipei 101 shot is a composite.
Is that Son Goku?
nice images.. but you could have made them any other day.
nobody notice the supermoon. it´s to small a change to notice it.
and i agree.. some do look like composits.
like the tour de france there is not much honesty under photographers...
Great Photography...Beautiul Super Moon Shots. It is great to see images from all over the world. I have made some images of the Super Moon episode of June 2013. You can check out my image at 500px
The one taken of Taipei 101 I think is shopped. I don't live there, but that moon didn't look realistic to me. So I looked at the sounding buildings and then looked at google maps. I believe the picture was taken looking North West-ish, and we all know the moon rises in the east. Though you can get the moon at the west horizon at sun down, it wont be a full moon.
I live in Taipei and can confirm the direction of the photograph. The location of the shot is also quite close. The exif data showed the image was taken at 12mm with an Olympus OM-D. The distortion in the frame is obviously from the wide angle.
If it was a 12mm lens that was used then the moon would be a lot smaller than it is shown in the photograph.
SuperMoon Rising...
And that's mine: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151651625317488&set=a.1015...
Super content-aware scale! ;)
Supermoon over San Francisco - http://500px.com/photo/38509942
I enjoy seeing so many different perspectives, it's interesting what people come up with!
Here are ome of my photos from that night
I would appreciate any feed back! :)
The one with the Statue of Liberty could be true, the only thing that is doubtful is the size of the moon. I checked it with the photographer's ephemeris and it would have been around 4:30am to 5am June 23.