The rumor is that March 2 will be the date for the 5D Mark II replacement. And Canon Rumors believes these to be the specs :22mp, 61pt AF, 100% VF, 3.2″ LCD ,Dual CF/SD Card Slots, $3500 USD. Far from being written in stone but the photos that turned up on their forums seems quite legit. For me, I hope to see something a little more impressive than what I'm seeing here or I may have to bite the bullet and step up to the 1D-X.

via [CanonRumors]
From Kenn:
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I wish the d800 was 22mp
True. 22mp is nothing to sneeze at but the Mark II was already a healthy 21.1mp.
isn't the D800/e 36mp? That is way too high nikon!
both are :)
What makes the 1DX worth the difference to you? What would make this "more impressive"?
In all honesty my 1DX remark was more tongue in cheek but I do love love flagship build quality (but the price is a bit to nuts-o to justify). I'm not entirely sure what more I expected from the Mark III... the extra AF points are truly impressive and yet I still feel that with these stats I'd stick with a Mark II instead of forking out $1100+ more for a Mark III. Keeping in mind, none of this is fact yet. Specs and price may be quite different.
All I care about is a better focus! I'll buy it.
I agree with you Heidrich! The faster and smarter focusing on this MKIII would make me ditch the MkII.
I am a bit surprised about the specs. If this 61af is the same as the 1dx.
Then I am finding it hard to see why many people would dump the money for the top of the line. Only really thing it has going then is the speed and build.
So 1dx is for sport and some wildlife shooters... seems like a bit thin for a camera that expensive.Not that I mind nice if we can save loads of money on good hear :)
as you said, the big plus with 1DX is speed 14fps vs 5-6fps on 5D - thats a make or break for sports
All canon needs for the MKIII is a couple of updates. 22mp is nice, 60foucus pts. is a good upgrade, and dual cards cf/sd? Why can't they just keep it at two Cfs instead? This way those photographers like us don't have to buy two set of memory cards.
It would also be a nice touch on canon's part if they had a built-in wireless transmitter via bluetooth for tethering in the studio and at least jump the frames-per/sec to 5fps. I can't wait to see this new 5D shine pass the D800
Nyaj, your right on on the transmitter. that what make me upgrage in a sec. on the plus side, if they will use CF+SD, you can tether using Eye-Fi cards. but ideally it would be nice to have a transmitter that doesn't cost 700$-800$ more like now
I hope the rumors are true... so they drop the price on the 5d MKII and I can pick one up at a discount!
Something I noticed, there is no DOF preview button! WHere is that thing go and how do I trigger modeling light on my flash system?!
Finally the Mark 3. But man, the price hikes these days! Almost $2,500 for the new 24-70 zoom? And then $3,000 for the Mark 3? I don't recall the Mark 2 starting at 3 grand. And does my complaining about it make me less of a pro? All of my gear has been paid by my work and I refuse to get in more debt than I already am just so I can look and (and possibly feel) more professional than the next.
Ok, the Gear Gas passed; I'm better now.
Well the high ISO alone for me will justify the 1DX (wedding photography) and of course I love the 5D Mk II so a can't wait to for the Mk III. Will relegate the Mk II and the 7D as backups and BTS video. Not to forget that the 1.6 crip on the 7D will still come in handy for certain situations.
Oh - can't wait for the new flashes!!! Next couple of months will be fun, funny thing my birthday is March 2 - happy birthday to me from Cannon. Now if I could just get them to send me something for free!
Haha! Mine is on 2nd too. Hope the rumours come true and the price for the MKII drops abit. :-)
Happy birthday!
I have to admit that the last couple of "upgrades" from Canon have been a bit disappointing. Does it have touch screen auto focus? If not then scrolling through 61 focus points is going to be too slow. I mostly do portraits so manual works better most of the time. Here's hoping the market is flooded with some nice, used 5D MKII's so I can upgrade from my 50D.
I really wish they would put in a articulated LCD. I've used one for several years now, and find it REALLY useful & allowing more creative compositions. Not every shot is best at eye level. Subsequently, I don't want to get down on my stomach, or knees to get a shot that all you otherts are to lazy to get.
Continued, from previous post, ( re: articulated LCD ). I was always taught that the larger pixels gather light better than smaller ones. Wouldn't 12-18 MP be more effective than 21-38 MP's? Assuming the same size sensor. ( F/F-- 24 X 36 MM ). The Nikon 38 MP seems like severe overkill !
I'm no expert, and I'm bummed to say because I want one, but it appears that the images were photoshopped:
Hopefully those links will work. If not, just put the image's URL into and you'll see the areas of the image that appear to have been modified.