Get your smartphones out! Brace yourself for some Snapcodes! For Part Two of our Snapchat series, we've compiled a list of photographers and creatives that you should be following!
To recap briefly what we discussed in our last Snapchat article, the social media app is the next big engagement platform trending worldwide. It allows you to engage with your audience at a personal level and fills the gap with daily, spontaneous communication between users that doesn’t quite fit with other social media platforms. It’s unfiltered, unedited, real, and shared in realtime. It's a real authentic marketing tool at your fingertips with 100 million users and climbing.
Since we've gone through the what, the why, and the how, let's go through 'The Who' portion of this series! A great aspect of this platform is the ability to get face-to-face with those that inspire you everyday. In this article, I will go through photographers, creatives, and motivators that share and inspire one snap at a time. I've compiled a list of top influential photographers you may have heard of, photographers from the Fstoppers community, and as well as your favorite writers from Fstoppers!
Influential Photographers
Chase Jarvis

Photographer, Co-Founder of CreativeLive
Chase Jarvis is a must follow. Simply put, he inspires you on a daily basis. Actually, I'll let him explain...
Von Wong

Photographer, Visual Engineer, Conservationist
Ben Von Wong actually played a large role collaborating in my first article about Snapchat. He is a fan of the app and uses it on a daily basis. We've watched him travel to New Zealand, Bhutan, and he is actually now in Germany/Poland working on one of his latest projects. He shares his inspirational thoughts, travel tips, and other shenanigans!
Brendan Harvey

Photographer, Storyteller
Harvey is a very popular storyteller in the world of Snapchat. He has worked campaigns for many large companies including Southwest Airlines, Unicef, and even The White House!
Peter Hurley

Headshot Photographer, Founder of the Headshot Crew
Joey Wright
Swimwear Photographer based out of Miami, FL...need I say more? Wright has also collaborated with us at Fstoppers on our latest Swimwear Photography Tutorial, it's jammed back with great tips and shows you his process from A to Z.
Gary Vaynerchuk

Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker
Although he is not a photographer (to my knowledge), I thought listing Vaynerchuk would be very beneficial to those looking to start their own business or simply looking for added motivation. He mentioned a few years ago that Snapchat may become a game changer for photographers!
More Inspiring Creatives to Follow!
Community Photographers
In Part 1, I mentioned that I will be following back some photographers to see what the photography community has to offer on the Snapchat platform! Two Snapchatters that really stood out to me were Isaiah Huthnance, also know as 'Man Down Photo,' and Eddie Irvin, who goes by the username 'Grain Happy.'
Huthnance (mandownphoto) is a very active user daily on Snapchat, he gives an interesting glimpse of what he does photography-related on a daily basis. He'll take you along in his adventures all over Australia. He also loves to talk about new gear coming out, and always shows what and how he uses his camera equipment in his arsenal.
Irvin (grainhappy) is a must follow for those just starting out in photography and eager to learn. Everyday he shares quick tips on how light works and how to improve your photography.
Fstoppers Writers
And of course do not forget to follow your favorite Fstoppers writers! We always have new content coming out in our own little worlds! Send us a Snap!
How About You?
Did I miss one of your favorite photographers on Snapchat? Have a Snapchat of your own? Share your Snapcodes below!
Snapchat: lichtemotionist
@lightingbryan I travel the world nearly weekly photographing the largest corporate events and incentive travel in the most amazing locations!
Follow me :D
Leaving in less than a month to SE Asia to Capture the World.
Canadian travel photographer currently on day 16 of a 40 day trip around Turkey!
New to snapchat:
Snapchat: teisauf
Mostly bts of photo/video gigs andsome life stuff mixed in.
I share in-field composition tips, post-processing thoughts and techniques, and behind the scenes jazz for landscape/nature photographers. (I don't know why my code isn't loading. @tj_photo)
Portrait and Dance photographer on Snapchat: StrangelyCasey
@showbiz1906 TV News Videographer/Filmmaker/Photographer. Come along for the ride!
New to Snapchat. I am a landscape photographer in beautiful Rocky Mountains in Colorado
Snapchat: shoewax
Getting in on this snapchat talking about this and that.
Humanitarian photographer and filmmaker based in Cambodia working throughout Asia.
I'm a dual based wedding photographer in Seattle and Hong Kong! My rabbit also makes it into my snapchat sometimes. Snaps from behind the scenes of weddings and engagement shoots!