Michael Breitung's picture

Gibson Steps

One of the top three sunsets I have ever photographed. It's funny that the best sunsets always happen when you least expect it. As with the other sunsets in my top three, the days that led to this sunset where mostly grey and devoid of much color.

This particular day was a mix of rain, drizzle and some dry spells. But the sky never changed from the monotone grey it had taken on the previous days. But at the coast there's always a chance for a quick change. So I went down to the Gibson Steps once more and waited... and waited and ... suddenly a gap appeared at the horizon. What happened afterwards you see in the photo :-)

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This is an amazing photograph, for some reason I feel drawn to it. Do you sell prints?

Hey Kevin, sure. On my homepage you find links to a Redbubble store I've setup. I have this photo there amongst others for very affordable prices. And if you need very large, just contact me -> mibreit-photo.com

Perfect color! It's hard to find a shot with so much punch that I'd still want to frame and I think this one is it.

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