Michael Breitung's picture


Ever since I had seen Elia Locardis take on this scene in one of Fstoppers behind the scenes videos, I knew I also had to photograph my own version of it.

On my first visit to Hongkong in 2017 though, I didn't have the right lens. 16mm wasn't enough and I didn't want the tilting lines in the photo. I wanted to create a version, without having to point my camera upwards.

So this September, when I returned to Hongkong, I rented a Canon TS-E 17mm lens from Canon Hongkong. With this lens I took a vertorama by shifting the lens upwards to achieve this unique perspective.

It was a bit of a pain to put together the, in total, 29 photos. I had bracketing, focus stacking, shifting and some additional photos for the lighttrails.

But I'm quite happy with the result.

PS: I just uploaded a behind the scenes video for this and some other photos I took in Hong Kong -> https://youtu.be/OSK7i7lV6z0

Canon 5DsR
17 · f/11 · 30s · ISO 100
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Awesome image Michael

i really like the place in hong kong - interesting to see it with straight lines.

Thanks. Yea, every other photo I had seen was with the camera at an angle. But I thought it would also look nice like this ;-)