Jan Eide's picture

A glimpse of the Paleolitikum time

A couple weeks ago I finally had the opportunity to go to the mountains of Dovre in Norway to photograph the Musk Ox. After a 3 hour walk in woods and heather and swamp up the mountain, I finally saw them! Two Oxe`s together. I was about 400 feet from them. The recommended safety distance is 600 feet. I watched them and they didn`t seem to bother to much, and continued grassing and mostly showed me their butt. These animals are not to mess with. Unlike most animals they do not flee when they are scared of feel threatened. They do a full attack. And I was all alone up there.. These animals were extinct in Norway before the height of the last ice age, when Norway was covered by 3 Kilometer thick Steel Ice! In 1932 and 1947 the Musk Oxe was reintroduced to the same area a fossile of a Musk Oxe was found 30 feet under the ground in 1913. Today the Musk Oxe thrive in the mountains of Dovre. Shot at 600mm and heavily cropped.

Sony A7r iii
600mm · f/9 · 1/320 · ISO 500
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