Freshen Up Your Adobe InDesign Skills

Today and tomorrow only, creativeLIVE will be hosting Adobe certified expert, Erica Gamet as she teaches everything you need to know about Adobe InDesign. This class takes you from the basics, getting familiar with the Adobe workspace, color basics, and working with pages and layers, to advanced type, graphics and table manipulation and working with long documents! This class is designed for those with a firm knowledge of page layout, such as those migrating from QuarkXPress, PageMaker, or Word, and those who want to get past the basics of InDesign. As with all creativeLIVE workshops, this LIVE event is FREE. Video downloads of the full 3-day event will cost $79. Start watching now!

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I love InDesign. Most used program for me of the whole CS.

+1000!!  I actually look forward to designing wedding albums sometimes...i watched kevin swan's tutorial that teaches the basics, and once you learn the key strokes, it's SOOOOOO fast...i seriously cant see how ANYONE could, or would WANT to design a layout in's like using a hammer and chisel, vs. a CNC

My InDesign skills need more than just a freshening up....they need a whole development :-)

I haven't used Quark since it came with a dongle... and have not missed it!

HA. Quark... I used to work at a printing shop and we would get Pagemaker files and just cringe...