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Rob Baggs
London, & Hertfordshire, GB

Articles written by Rob Baggs

A Complete Guide for Creating High-End, Cinematic Time-Lapse Videos

The time-lapse has been a fundamental technique in filmmaking and videography for some time, and the methods and results have simply improved consistently, year on year. Watch this comprehensive guide by the time-lapse photographer known for works like the intro sequence to the hit U.S. remake of "House of Cards".

Canon R6 Versus R5: Which is Better for Astrophotography at High ISO?

The two Canon mirrorless bodies announced earlier this year caused quite a splash in most areas of the industry. One genre of photography which can really test a camera is astrophotography, so one photographer takes them out into the desert to shoot the stars and compare their results.

How to Remove Anything, Even From a Complex Perspective

Some elements of images are easy to remove with a quick use of the clone stamp. Some, however, swiftly become a nightmare as perspectives and light ruin the effect. Here's how to remove anything from an image, even if it's taken at an angle.

Can Pixel Shift Give You the Best High Resolution Images?

Olympus cameras, though micro four thirds, have a pixel shift mode seen in several other manufacturer's cameras, and it allows to take higher resolution images despite a smaller and lower resolution sensor. But can it compete with genuinely high resolution sensors?

Was Caravaggio the First Master of Light?

Light has been fundamental to art for centuries predating the camera. However, utilizing realistic and impactful light — an objective of many photographers and artists today — wasn't always the case.

How to Fix Perspective Distortion in 90 Seconds

Getting the perspective of your images to how you saw them can be tricky. There are a few ways you can achieve it, but in this video, you'll learn how to do it in Photoshop in 90 seconds.

The Best Way to Edit Time-Lapse Videos

There are many ways to edit a time-lapse video, with varying degrees of success. This way might be the best, but also the most tedious. Good things come to those who wait.

A Complete Sony ZV-1 Setup Guide for Video and Photography

If you have this fantastic little camera, it's worth making sure that you have it fully setup, as often the default settings are often far from optimal. In this 21 minute video, you can learn how to correctly configure it for filmmaking or photography.

7 Lighting Effects in 7 Minutes

You can never have too many lighting styles, so sit back for just 7 minutes, and learn a few more for future inspiration.

Which Camera Is the Best Value for Money?

There are more cameras available to buy today than ever before. That usually means that consumers receive more innovation and better prices, and sometimes the best example of those perks are hidden gems.