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Martin Lentz
Den Haag, NL

Bookmarked Articles

An Advanced Color Toning Technique

Color toning is one of those final steps that can really make your photos both pop and add a very personal stylistic touch. This awesome video will show you an advanced color toning technique using Photoshop.

Thomas Heaton Responds to Critics in the Best Way Possible

British landscape photographer and YouTube personality Thomas Heaton came in for a bit of heat recently after he botched one of his latest videos that features Fujifilm's latest medium format camera, the GFX 50R. However, he didn't just get stick for that, so he decides to wipe the slate clean for 2019 by taking it all on the chin like the pro that he is.

My Daily Exercise to Improve My Photography Skills

I have mentioned before that I am always seeking new ways to improve. Today, I want to share one of my daily initiatives that I religiously employ, and that’s my daily color exploration.

How Is Photography Affecting Us?

People are going to the plastic surgeon to get rhinoplasties because their mobile phone cameras distort their noses too much while taking selfies. What does photography mean in 2019, and where are we going?

Historic Images of Virtually Every Pre-War Building in New York City

Imagine a treasure trove of more than 700,000 images from one of the greatest cities on earth, capturing pre-war architecture in all its glory, and digitally archived for your photographic enjoyment. No, they aren’t professionally shot or technically perfect, but they are a feast for the eyes all the same.

Have You Forgotten Why You Love Photography?

Spend enough time in photography, and it's likely you'll stop and realize one day that you seem to have drifted away from the reasons you got into it, and you might not even enjoy it anymore. This great video talks about getting back to the basics and not losing sight of why you enjoy taking photos in the first place.

A Simple Tip to Get More out of Your Golden Hour Portraits

You’ve covered your bases for that ever elusive amazing sunset shot: you’ve checked the time for sunset, mapped the exact location of the sun, and have composed a few frames so you know what to do when you get to the location. But what about the location itself?

The Best Way to Set Up a Tripod

Do you hate using a tripod? Do you find it too cumbersome to use, heavy, and do you think it stands in the way of creative photography? You are not the only one. I meet a lot of photographers during my workshops and masterclasses that find the tripod a necessary evil. And most of the time, it is because they are using it the wrong way.

Using Photography as a Medium to Help Cope With Depression?

Winter time, especially with the intense festive holidays and the arrival of seasonal affective disorder, can bring a lot of us down. For others, it's a lifelong battle. So, in what ways can photography help you battle through depression?

Next Generation of iPhones to 'Revolutionize' Photography, May Include Sony's 3D Technology and Advanced Facial Recognition

If reports are to be believed, Apple is set to revolutionize phone cameras by introducing the next-gen 3D sensors that Sony will make available in 2019. Satoshi Yoshihara, head of Sony’s sensor development team, said he is “certain” 3D will transform how we take pictures on our phones, with the aim also being to include faster facial recognition that can “probably identify anyone in photographs from a reasonable distance.”

Will the New Luminar 3 Let you Ditch Lightroom?

The long awaited version 3 of Luminar from Skylum arrived this month. It held the promise of new features, and digital assets management tools (DAM) that would rival Lightroom. That's important, because some percentage of photographers don't like the Adobe subscription model, and while powerful, Lightroom's Library management can be a pain. Of course others love it, and would never switch.

The Power of an Historical Image: Stretcher Bearers at Passchendaele

Photographing war has a long history dating back to at least Mathew Brady's photos of the American Civil War. Some images become inextricably linked to the events they portray. So what is it about this image that makes it so powerfully representative of the First World War?

'Create Only What You Can Create': A Look at How to Grow as a Photographer

Photography, perhaps by virtue of the medium and its readily accessible nature, is a pursuit often learned by copying the work of others at least to a degree. This great video examines the importance of finding an original creative voice and being brave enough to show it to the world.

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