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Asam Munir

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The Importance of Patience in Landscape Photography

Landscape photography can be a fickle thing, particularly since you're very much at the mercy of the light and elements. That's when patience becomes an important virtue from which you'll reap the rewards, as this great video talks about.

Improve Your Food Photography With Six Easy Tricks

When it comes to food photography, your goal is to capture the dish as well as possible while making sure it looks appealing. You want to entice the viewer to order or crave that dish. If you are new to this genre, here are a few tricks that may help you craft a better shot.

Living and Traveling in a Vehicle as a Full-Time Landscape Photographer

Have you ever wondered how people start full time in photography and even take it one step further by working and living as a full-time landscape photographer? Dave Morrow is one of those people and he spends his days in the middle of nowhere to capture the best images.

The Importance of Work-Life Balance as a Freelance Photographer or Videographer

A lot of us love freelance life simply because it's not the corporate grind. And while that's a great perk, one benefit of the corporate life is a (normally) clear delineation of where work ends and life begins. This great video examines finding that same delineation as a freelance photographer or videographer.

LRTimelapse 5 Is Here With Many Improvements and Additional Features

LRTimelapse is without a doubt the best piece of software to manage extreme day-to-night and night-to-day transition when capturing a time-lapse sequence. This flicker remover program changed the industry for good and a new version with many improvements has just been announced. Here is what you need to know about it.

Fstoppers Reviews the Edelkrone SliderONE PRO: The Ultimate Motorized, Portable Slider?

Edelkrone has established a glowing reputation as builders of thoughtful, premium camera stability and slider products. The latest addition to this line was an upgrade to their motorized, all-in-one slider, the SliderONE PRO. Here is our in-depth review after spending six weeks with this professional, app-controlled video accessory.

Simple Photography Workflow in 10 Steps

Workflow can be a make or break situation in how your business is run. Spending all your time with file naming, culling, or unproductive backup techniques can create not only time constraints but also a negative relationship with your images after your shoot. Following some quick and easy workflow tips will get you back on track and more importantly back to shooting.

Photographing The Burj Khalifa in Dubai From Roof Tops

A few months ago we released the landscape photography tutorial Photographing The World 3 with Elia Locardi. Today, the behind the scenes series on the creation of that tutorial continues with Episode 11.

How I Created a Viral Video and What I Learned in the Process

A few days ago, I published a copycat video on my Vimeo account. After the video was first shared by DPReview, the file became viral and got shared hundreds of thousands of times all over Internet. How did I produce this little funny video? How does having 250,000 views per day affect your visibility and social network accounts? And finally, what does this video really mean?

A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Incredible Seascape Photographs

If you're a photographer living in a coastal city, hobbyist or otherwise, it's almost a given you've taken your camera seaside to snap what you were hoping to be some stunners. This has been the case for me, and I was sorely disappointed when my photos were nothing like what I had imagined they would be. If only there were an extensive, nit-picking guide to creating the photos you see in your head. Anton Gorlin has created just that: an impressively in-depth guide to seascape photography that really gets down to the nitty-gritty.

Six Bad Habits That Can Hurt Your Photography Career

All the talent in the world doesn't mean a thing if you undercut yourself with bad habits that can damage your career. This great video explores six bad habits that can cut a career short and how to turn them around to increase your chances of success.

How to Retouch Newborn Photography in Photoshop

If you’ve ever wondered how photographers can create such dreamy images of newborns, this is the perfect tutorial to watch. Newborn photography is an art that can require a great deal of patience and creativity. The post-processing workflow is no different. There are several steps to take when editing a newborn photo well and this tutorial does a great job of explaining them all.

The Best Computer for Creatives: A Real World Test of the iMac Pro Versus the MacBook Pro, Mac Pro, and a Windows PC

The iMac Pro is undoubtedly a slick piece of hardware with some very impressive specs, but it also comes with an equally impressive price tag. And while we can drool over specs day in and out, what really matters for most working professionals are real world results. This great video pits the new iMac Pro against a Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, and a Windows PC.

Monte Isom Shares How Copyrighting Your Photos Can Make You Thousands of Dollars Per Infringement

One of the most frustrating things a photographer has to deal with in today's market is having their work stolen or used for free. If you post images online, the chances of your work being used without your permission isn't just likely, but inevitable. How then can you as a photographer protect your images while at the same time publishing your work so you can promote your brand? In this free excerpt from our Making Real Money tutorial, Monte Isom shares the exact steps you need to take to both protect your work and recover damages caused by illegal infringements.

Seven Tips for People Looking to Turn Their Photography Into a Career

One of my recent articles was on how developing a niche can help you make more money from photography. I received a lot of emails and questions over the next week and a strand that run through almost all of the contact was about making the transition to full-time professional. I was pleased with the interest in this question, but I wasn't overly surprised as I tackled the very same issue for several years. There's no exact formula, but there are some important tips I can give. Sadly, most of these I learned along the way, but hopefully some readers can use this to make that leap to professional feel more like a hop.

How to Get Inspired as a Photographer

Being an artist isn't easy, especially when the world is against our way of life and creation. The artist life is discouraging for sure, and every once in a while I still have days where I just want to lay in bed. I have learned that you can't let yourself have many of these days if you want to be great, there's always someone else who's pushing through it. Whether you're a professional or just a hobbyist, being uninspired sucks. Luckily there are so many things you can do to beat the gloom and keep on creating.

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