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Paul Parker

Articles written by Paul Parker

Act Now Before Your Flickr Account Is Transferred

Flickr has been acquired by SmugMug, and the official date for the switchover is looming. Here is why now might be the time to back up everything, reach out to all your followers, and maybe think about deleting your account forever.

Sixteen Crucial Items I Take on Every Photoshoot

You'd be surprised how just a few extra items packed in your camera bag could help you to steer away from many problems that may arise while out on a shoot. Consider adding these 16 objects to your photographic arsenal.

The Dangers of Photographers Being People-Pleasers

I'm sure you've heard the old saying that if you try to please everyone, you'll please no one. Not only is this something to think about in our everyday lives, but it's an approach us photographers should really be following too.

Transform Your Existing Images With the Help of Adobe Stock

The sky usually plays an important role in shaping the mood and tone of the pictures you make while photographing outdoors. If mother nature doesn't want to cooperate and give you a desirable sky while shooting, a stock image could help save the day.

Five Things Painters Do That Photographers Should Be Doing Too

The best creatives take inspiration from areas other than the discipline they are working in, and photographers should be no different. Have you ever thought about borrowing from the practices used by painters? There's a lot we could learn from these great masters.

Joey L. On Using Drones to Photograph War Zones

Love it or hate it, drones are becoming more and more commonplace in all areas of photography. See how Canadian-born photographer and director Joey Lawrence uses drones to film war zones and learn what challenges shooting in such a difficult environment can bring.

Take Advantage of These Advanced Brush Tool Settings in Photoshop and Lightroom

At the core of any image editor is the brush tool, and although many of us don't give it a second thought, it really is one of the most important features to master. Density, opacity, hardness, and flow all affect how the brush works in very different ways. Make sure you know the difference between these settings so you can work smarter when editing your images.

How to Transform Your Existing Lighting for Less Than $20

Sometimes the locations we have to work with are a little played out or uninspiring. By using gels and haze to our advantage you really can transform a space dramatically. The great thing about these techniques is that they can be done for very little money.

Instagram Image Sizes for 2018: Download These Free Templates

Thanks to Instagram's incessant commitment to regularly changing various features on the photo-sharing app, it's more than understandable that you may not know the current image specifications for the platform. After a quick Google search brought up a host of conflicting answers, I decided to do some tests of my own and create several free Photoshop templates to make all our lives much easier.

Add Life to the Eyes in Your Photos With This Clever Technique

Eyes really are the window to the soul, and the way they look in your images can be the difference between a picture being good and really great. If you have a portrait that you feel is lacking something, then adding depth and dimension to the eyes may be just what you need.

Why Making Bad Work Is Important for Your Development as a Photographer

One of the new year resolutions I wish I had included in my recent list of resolutions for photographers was failing more in 2018. Failure has such a bad stigma attached to it that most of us try to avoid it at all costs. The big problem with that constant strive for perfection is it could be seriously holding you back.

Ten New Year's Resolutions Worth Making as a Photographer

Clichéd new year resolutions are as much of a tradition of the holidays as building snowmen and eggnog. Why not change things up a bit this year and set yourself a resolution which is related to helping you grow as a photographer. Here are 10 promises worth trying to keep in 2018.

Color of the Year Announced for 2018: Will You Be Using It?

Pantone, the worldwide standard for color communication and inspiration, has announced what shade will replace the current color of the year in 2018. Which color did they choose, and why does it matter to photographers?

Six Strategies to Help Creative Photographers

I have a question for you: do you ever struggle with new ideas in your photography? Want to be more creative and productive? Maybe it's time to change how you think about ideas and creativity.