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Paul Parker

Articles written by Paul Parker

Do These Things to Win New Clients Over the Holidays

It doesn't matter what industry you work in, sending out promotional material from time to time is a great way to help stay relevant in an oversaturated photography market. If you want such a marketing technique to pay off, there are some important things to keep in mind before you start. What, when, and how you send things out can dramatically affect your chances of success.

Find Out How Long It Is Before Your Camera Will Die

Like most technology we own, our cameras will eventually stop working. Not only is this bad news for our bank balances, but if a camera were to die mid-shoot then it could potentially land us in a world of professional problems. Minimize these risks by knowing what to look out for and the kind of plan you need to have in place for when that inevitable disaster strikes.

Making 150-Megapixel Photographs on a 10-Year-Old Camera

They say the best camera is the one that is with you, but what if that particular camera is lacking in megapixels? Here's how to take advantage of the camera you already own and make some giant image files and extra large photo prints.

Five Places to Find Bargains for Your Photoshoots in November

If you're in the middle of planning a photoshoot then it would be wise to hold off on buying any props or equipment for just a few days longer. Come November 1 there will be a tsunami of unique items and great savings to be had from all those Halloween festivities. Here's what to expect and the best places to hunt out a bargain.

Ten Things You Need Before You Go Freelance

The freelance lifestyle can be both creatively and financially rewarding but it does also come with a few hidden pitfalls that need to be avoided at all costs. If you want to minimize your chances of failure it is well worth having these 10 things in place long before you take the leap.

How to Hold a Bad Photography Client to Ransom

Unfortunately, it really is a case of "when" rather than "if" you will experience a bad photography or video client. The biggest problem is that once a person or business has your work there really is nothing to stop them from leaving you high and dry. Here's how to keep the upper hand and maximize your chances of always getting paid.

What to Do With Digital Storage That's Collecting Dust

How many of you have old memory cards, USB sticks, or even hard drives lay around doing nothing? Of those that answered yes, how many of you still haven't worked out a decent backup strategy for your images? Here's a quick and free solution to securely encrypt that unused storage so when a disaster strikes your most important work isn't lost forever.

One Habit Photographers Should Get Into: Shooting Backplates

It doesn't matter what kind of photography you do, shooting photo backplates each and every time you go out and take pictures is one of the best habits you can get yourself into. Not only does it save many hours in postproduction, it will also help open up a world of creative possibilities to you as a photographer.

Eleven Items Photographers Should Be Buying in Bulk

We all know that buying in bulk has its financial benefits, but how many of us actually utilize these habits for our photography? Here are 11 items that will not only save you time and money if bought in larger quantities but will also help minimize stress while on a photoshoot.

An Introvert's Guide to Finding Photo and Video Clients and Networking

Does the idea of finding clients and networking fill you with dread? I know most of us would much prefer to stay behind the camera, taking pictures all day long, but that's really only part of being a professional. If you lack the confidence or game plan to gain new clients, then these strategies could really make a difference.

Use Psychology to Take Better Portraits

Long before I ever picked up my first camera I was always fascinated by the subject of psychology. To understand some of the reasons why humans behave the way they do is rather useful in many areas of our lives. Once I started to get into photography more seriously I began to realize how the two subjects could be used together to make more powerful images.

Joey L. Releases Free Documentary 'Born From Urgency'

You probably know Canadian-born photographer and director Joey Lawrence for his beautifully lit commercial work and equally as impressive A-List celebrity portraits. In recent years Lawrence has shifted gears to document the Kurdish guerrilla organizations fighting against ISIS. Today a free documentary film and fine art book have been released to show conflict up close like you may have never seen it before.

Spend Less to Improve Your Chances of Being a Successful Photographer

There are many variables that play a part in the career of a successful photographer. While some of these elements are completely out of your control things like your lifestyle and outgoings are not. If you want to maximize your chances of having a successful career you may need to make a few adjustments before it's too late.

Make These Changes to Gain More Followers on Instagram

Is your Instagram really working for you? We all know how important a tool such a social media is to help create a brand and attract clients who may want to hire you. If you're finding that your account is struggling to grow then you might be making some of these many mistakes.

Epic Shootout Review: Sony a9 vs. Canon 1DX II vs. Nikon D5

There will always be a lot of heated debate between photographers regarding who manufactures the best camera. While Sony, Canon, and Nikon all have their pros and cons, which of their flagship models actually takes the crown?

Nine Things You Should Be Taking to Every Business Meeting

It doesn't matter if it's a scheduled business meeting, job interview, or you're cold calling potential clients, the items you bring along with you can dramatically affect how things play out. Here's what you should be taking to each and every meeting to maximize your chances of success.

Checklist: What You Must Ask a Client Before Giving a Price

It's a huge risk to not ask the right questions before giving a prospective client a price. Not only does it make you look like an amateur, but you could end up agreeing to a job which really isn't worth the time or money. Here's what you should be asking when someone wants to know how much it will cost to hire you.