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Andrea Kappler
Evansville, IN

Bookmarked Articles

The One Lens Challenge

Creative challenges not only serve to find new ways of shooting but also to push your limits when in a time crunch. Two videographers set out to challenge one another with one lens in 30 minutes on the streets of London and compare the end results .

Three Simple Landscape Photography Composition Tips

Composition is the most important part of how you design your photo. It cannot be understated how important it is for a good viewer experience. These three tips should help you on your way.

Take Your Photography to New Heights: Aviation Photography

As soon as humans realized their dream of flight, photographers started dreaming of photographing from high above. I had a chance last week to have my dream of shooting New York City from above come true.

Wedding Photographer Shoves Stepmom With Phone out of the Way to Shoot First Kiss

Wedding photography is not an easy job by any stretch of the imagination, and it comes with its own unique set of challenges, not the least of which is guests with smartphones jockeying for position to take snapshots. One wedding photographer was having none of it when a guest stepped in front of her, shoving the offending guest aside to get the shot.

Why Are You on Instagram?

I don’t think there’s a more polarizing social media platform than Instagram. From photographers who sing its praises to those who loathe the day it was invented, there’s no denying that Instagram evokes strong feelings.

Elusive Snow Leopard Shoots Purrfect Selfies

Have you ever been fortunate enough to see a snow leopard out in the wild? Yeah, me neither, and it may be because they are busy taking selfies just like us.

Why Does Instagram Love Centered Compositions?

There are many, many different trends that have gained a significant amount of traction on the immensely popular social media platform. Some of these trends die out and some of them stay, and so far, it seems that centered compositions are here to stay.

Sony a7 III Versus Canon R: Which Is Better?

The Canon EOS R has now been in the hands of a select few, and following on from the early impressions and all of the noise about card slots, Tony Northrup has pitted it against the camera that Canon is seeking to challenge: the Sony a7 III.

Kayaker Slapped in Face by an Octopus-Wielding Seal

This one is for real. An octopus-wielding seal singled out a particular kayaker from the group and made it very clear his presence wasn't welcome in another moment of pure, spontaneous, GoPro gold.

A Guide to Various File Formats in Photoshop: What They Are and When to Use Them

If you've ever looked at the list of file formats available in the save dialog box in Photoshop, your head might have started to spin trying to keep track of all the available options and to understand which you should use and when. This helpful video will talk about all the file formats you need to be concerned about and in what situations you should use them.

A Professional Web Designer Tells You Why Your Website Sucks

As creatives, most of us know the value of a strong internet presence and what that can do to boost brand recognition and our business bottom-line, but we don’t always know how to make the best of that presence. I spoke with a successful web builder and graphic designer to get a glimpse of the most important aspects of boosting web potential for photographers.

Seven Tips for Creating Stronger Landscape Images Through the Use of Light

Light can make or break a photograph, and that's particularly true in landscape photography, where a beautiful scene can either be rendered rather blandly or resplendently depending on the light that's falling on it and how you make use of it. This great video will give you seven tips for making better use of light in your landscape images.

An Introduction to GIMP, the Free Image Editor

GIMP has been an alternative to Photoshop for years, and it is still being improved by developers and gaining new users. In this video, you will find a comprehensive introduction to this underrated image editing software.

Bookmarked Media

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