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Hans PBoom
Haarlem, NL

Bookmarked Articles

How to Create Interesting Lighting Effects Using Photoshop

Sometimes, depending on your shooting environment, you might not be left with ideal lighting. This fun and educational video tutorial will show you some clever techniques to augment existing lighting to make the scene a bit more cinematic by using Photoshop.

How I Turned My Bathtub into a Magical Forest Pond

Sometimes shooting on location, or even finding the ideal location, can be so difficult that a photographer has to rely on their own ingenuity to bring their vision to life. Here is how I turned my tiny bathtub into a forest pond for a magical shoot, with some tips on how you can do the same thing.

Some Helpful Tips for Shooting in Harsh Midday Sun

We all know about golden hour and how it can offer you warm, soft, and flattering light for your photos, but if you're only working with natural light, restricting yourself to only golden hour can make it quite difficult to get shoots done. This great video will give you some helpful tips for dealing with harsher midday sun.

Getting More out of a Single Studio Light

When you're new to lighting, it can be tempting to jump into complicated setups to try to achieve popular looks, but you might be surprised by just how much you can get out of one light. This great video discusses why it's important to stick with one light for a while while you learn the ropes.

Skip Selections, Change Color of Anything in Photoshop

Creating a tight, accurate selection is the most challenging part of changing the color of an object in an image in Photoshop. You don't want to leave any pixels bleeding outside the edge of your selection making it obvious that a color was changed. So why bother making a selection at all when you can use this handy trick from Colin Smith at PhotoshopCAFE?

How to Fix Uneven Skin Tones Using Photoshop

One of the most common issues you'll have to deal with when shootings portraits is uneven skin tones. This super helpful tutorial will show you everything you need to know to even out skin tones using Photoshop.

How to Speed Up Photoshop

More often than not, we get the product out of the box, toss the manual, and find out the settings as we go along. It's 2019 and things should be intuitive.

Sha-Bang! Peter Hurley Explains the Value of Consistency

Peter Hurley has grown into a household name among photographers over the past 15 years while working from his studio in New York City. With a personality that keeps his clients on their toes and a vocabulary that is ever evolving, the leader of the Headshot Crew has some tips for you that may help you grow even faster with your photographic journey.

23 Speedlight Setups to Try This Year

While the rage may be LED lights and very portable strobes, it is still hard to beat the ease and simplicity of good old speedlights. Most of us have at least one, if not more in our camera bag, and I always carry two of them with me whenever I’m shooting. So, why not dust off those speedlights and brush up on some great ways to use them with this great video?

Create Striking Rays of Light Easily in Photoshop

Rays of light pouring through trees or a window can enhance the moodiness of an image, but if there aren't enough particles in the air to reflect and diffuse the light, you may not be able to achieve the look you want in camera. With a little help from PiXimperfect's Unmesh Dinda, it's easy to achieve that effect in Photoshop.

Using Glass for Creative Photography Hacks

Lately, it seems as if I am seeing a lot of photos where the model or subject is seen through a window, for example, the shot where the model sitting inside a coffee shop enjoying a cup of coffee while the photographer snaps a photo from outside. If you are having trouble finding a location to do that, here's a hack for you to recreate a similar look.

Yongnuo Announces a $500 4K Camera with Android, 4G, and a Canon EF Mount

Following on from rumors last year, Yongnuo has announced that it will be releasing a mirrorless camera featuring 4G connectivity, an Android operating system and a Canon EF lens mount. It offers a 5” touch screen, shoots 4K at 30 fps, and allows users to share content on the fly.

A Behind the Scenes Look Into How Photographer R. J. Kern  Shot This Heartwarming Photo Series called "The Unchosen Ones"

In last week’s article, I introduced you to the inspiring work of Minnesota-based fine art photographer, R. J. Kern. This week, I connected with him again and was able to gain insight into what it took to create his most recent project, "The Unchosen Ones". If you were inspired by his work last week, I can assure you you'll be blown away by this one, too.

A Few Tips To Help With High School Senior Portrait Photography

Initially, there wasn’t much about the idea of photographing high school seniors that excited me. Boring portraits of kids wearing their caps and gowns and flashing whatever year they’re graduating with their fingers like an awkward gang-sign always came to mind. After all, it’s this type of cliche portrait that I most often stumble across online, but this doesn’t mean that all senior portraits have to be so boring. Below are a few tips that I've learned over the years.

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