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ken davis
New Haven, CT

Bookmarked Articles

Tamron Announces the 17-35mm F/2.8-4 Di OSD Lens

Tonight, Tamron announced the Tamron 17-35mm f/2.8-4 Di OSD lens, an incredibly small and light weight ultra-wide-angle zoom for 35mm full-frame DSLR cameras. With an emphasis on portability and reducing backlight flare, this could be THE ultra-wide-angle lens to make it’s way into your bag.

Expert Tips on Photographing Lightning

Have you ever seen those epic lightning photos from people who happen to capture those electric bursts and wanted to go capture your own versions of such photos? Well, lucky for you, Hank Schyma has put together some absolutely fantastic tips for how to do just that.

This Is Why You Need a Photography Brand

If you’re trying to build your photography business, having a brand is essential to your success. Here’s why you need to focus on building your photography brand.

How to Make Money as a Landscape Photographer

Many photographers love spending time in the outdoors, photographing the natural world. But not everyone can sustain their passion into a full-time job. Watch this video to learn how one landscape photographer makes money with his craft.

Tips for Starting a Real Estate Photography Business

Attempting to break into the professional scene is the same for most aspiring photographers, and any advice is welcomed by the novice. But, anyone who's more interested in photographing large inanimate objects than people might want to watch this.

Why You Should Be Showing Your Boudoir Leads a Full Gallery List

During that important pre-consultation with a client, most likely, she will ask to see an entire session. They have seen your amazing images on social media, but usually just one or two from a session. If you only show a few images from each set, how does your client know if those just weren't the best of the best?

Photographing Abandoned Buildings: 11 Useful Tips

Urban exploration has been a popular subject on the Internet for some time. Photographing abandoned buildings, however, can be trickier than you might imagine. Here are 11 tips to make sure you get the most out of your trip.

Ten Essential Pieces of Gear for Landscape Photography

Regardless of what genre of photography someone is looking to get into, most new photographers have a similar question in mind: what are the essential pieces of gear do I need for photography? The answers vary depending on what you plan the genre of photography you plan to enter. If you are looking to venture into landscape photography, this might be the list for you.

How to Create Beautiful Photos in Boring Locations

Having a perfect background is one of the most overrated factors in photography. Here are several tips for getting amazing shots when your session restricts you to shooting in a boring area.

Better SEO: Finding Keywords for Your Photography Website

If you know anything about SEO (search engine optimization), then you know that finding good keywords is, well, key. Here are a few ways to find new keyword ideas and how to implement them on your website.

Lightroom Tips for Beginners

Lightroom is much more than just a way to organize and cull your images. If you are new to Lightroom, or even if you have not looked into all the capabilities it has to offer, this video will guide you through easy tips to create more powerful images.

When Landscape Photography Goes Wrong

There's no better feeling in the world for a landscape photographer than watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset light up the sky with an array of colors. There's no worse feeling than not being able to take advantage of that lighting and going home empty-handed.

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