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ken davis
New Haven, CT

Bookmarked Articles

Slow Down With Landscape Photography

In our age of social media saturation and fast-paced tutorials with loud intros and even louder personalities, it's important to remind one self to breath at least once in a while. This video — which outlines some meaningful reasons for slowing down — was very close to the bone for me.

How to Become a Famous Photographer

As photographers, many of us do tend to take ourselves a little too seriously. We spend a great deal of time making sure we’re perceived the way we want to be and that people know who we are. In this tongue-in-cheek article, Etienne Bossot of Pics of Asia lays out your path to becoming a famous travel photographer.

Is Photography a Thankless Job?

Straight to the point today: is photography, or the pursuit of anything creative or artistic as a legitimate profession, a thankless pursuit and vocation?

Want to Take Better Landscape Photos? Embrace the Bad Weather

Think about some of your favorite landscape shots. Can you remember what the weather was like in them? If I had to guess, at least some of them had what we might consider bad or even horrible weather. Here's why that can help you take better photos.

Seven Landscape Photography Tips I Wish I Knew in the Beginning

When I started landscape photography many years ago I thought my images were great, but looking back at them now I can easily see the many errors I made. Over time I improved but it was a slow and organic process. Check out these seven tips and don't make the same mistakes I did.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (July 2018): Grayson Lauffenburger [NSFW]

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2018, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

How to Make a Great Impression With Prospective Clients

Take a look back at some recent client work of yours, and simply ask the following question: Did I bring to the table a deep and thoughtful understanding of my clients' photography wants, and needs? Or did I instead find myself photographing based only on my own personal needs as a photographer?

What Kind of Photographer Will You Become?

Who we are as artists and photographers is usually a process that takes time and a deeper internal dialogue to understand, and the initial direction we go will almost always be left on the wayside as we develop our abilities and discover our passions. How do some of the most accomplished photographers in the world start in the industry and do they grow into or out of their genres?

How Lens Filters Can Improve Your Photography

Most photographers have heard of lens filters, but few actually use them or are aware of their many benefits. Here is a video covering the basics of lens filters, particularly polarizing and neutral density filters.

Five Lies About Being a Photographer You Should Ignore

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, there seem to be a number of stock lines we hear over and over about the craft and technique of photography and making a career of it, but just because we hear them, it doesn't make them true. Here are five lies about being a photographer.

Steps to Take Now to Sustain Your Photography Business Into the Future

What should you be doing today to ensure your photography studio is still viable decades into the future? Reflecting on 10 years in the business, Photographer Phillip Blume of Blume Photography offers advice on how to sustain a photography studio that will be productive for decades to come.

How to Never Work a Day in Your Life

They say that when you find a career that you love, you will never have to work a day in your life. That’s bull. Well, sort of.

Out of Ideas? Here's Why You're Having Trouble Being Creative

Unfortunately, creativity is something that can be fleeting: you're on a hot streak, producing quality work, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, the spark vanishes. This great video talks about why that happens and what we can do to get the creative juices flowing again.

Interview With Photography Mentor Geoff Ang [NSFW]

Photography is a lot of fun, but it can also be a very lonely journey filled with worry and self-doubt. It is important to surround yourself with other like-minded artists and people who inspire you and that you can learn from.

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