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ken davis
New Haven, CT

Bookmarked Articles

Ten Steps to Becoming a Full-Time Photographer

You've had your camera, your passion growing with every click of the shutter, and now you're thinking that this thing that you love could be a money maker. You say to yourself, "I'm going to become a full time photographer!" But first, what are some of the steps to go full time?

Business of Photography: Eight Tips I Wish I Had Known Earlier [Part Two]

In a saturated industry, talent can get lost in the crowds. However, talent in combination with proficient business running expertise can lead to you rising above those crowds. Some business expertise is experience, but some is received wisdom. Here are more of the most important things I've learned through both.

Seven Tips for Making Photography Your Career

What does it take to turn your photography business into a full-time job? Three successful photographers share the critical steps they took to make a career out of photography.

Doing What You Love and Earning a Living From It: One Photographer's Journey

Many of us feel the allure of a career as a professional photographer, the sort of mystique that surrounds going into any creative field. On the other hand, that's often tempered by financial and practical concerns. This great video talks about one man's journey from the 9-5 to professional photographer.

Three Mistakes to Avoid When You First Start Taking on Photo Clients

Starting your own photography business is both an exciting and scary time, and of course, you'll want to make sure you have the best business practices in place to ensure that your clients are happy and you're bringing in money. This great video will detail three mistakes to avoid with clients.

Camping, Photography, and Sunset Versus Sunrise

When is the last time that you went on a camping adventure? If it involved photography and both a sunset in the evening and a sunrise in the early morning, did you prefer one more than the other?

A Beginner's Guide to Long Exposure Photography: When and How to Do It

Long exposures are something almost every photographer tries at some point, and they can be a fun way to create images that the naked eye would never be able to see. This great video will discuss some motivations for shooting long exposure images and how to do it.

How to Avoid Having to Check Your Camera Gear When Flying

Few sentences strike fear into the heart of a photographer like "you're going to have to check that bag." This helpful video will explain how you can avoid having to check your expensive and fragile photography equipment.

Five Helpful Ways to Improve Your Landscape Photography

Landscape photography can be both a fun and frustrating genre, as you get lots of creative freedom to represent the subject however you'd like, but there are also lots of variables outside your control. This great video will show you five tips to improve your landscape work through simplification.

Outdoor Boudoir: It's a Thing [NSFW]

That's right you boudoir photographers, if you haven't tried shooting boudoir outside before then you are seriously missing out. There really are quite a few reasons why you should give it a try here are a few of my favorite reasons why I shoot boudoir outside instead of in a studio.

Talent Is Overrated: Here's How to Become a Better Photographer

Talent can be a strange and nebulous thing, and we often ascribe it way too much importance, which can in turn be a serious roadblock to growing as a creative. This great video examines the idea of talent and why you shouldn't be so worried about it.

How to Deliver a Client Gallery on a Shoestring Budget

Client galleries have become the de facto way of distributing photos post-shoot, whether you are a seasoned pro delivering to a corporate client or helping out at a friend's wedding. Can you do this on a shoestring and is there an efficient workflow?

Business of Photography: Eight Tips I Wish I Had Known Earlier [Part One]

I doubt any photographers became professional because they were excited to run the business, but run it they will. Unfortunately, the importance of savvy business practices is much closer to photographic talent that most like to admit, so take a break from honing your portraiture, and hone your abilities as a small business owner.

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