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Evan Kane
Seattle, WA

Articles written by Evan Kane

Photographing the Moon With Jaworskyj

In case you've never taken the time to just sit outside at night and look (or howl) at the moon, it's actually freaking awesome. The logical next step is to setup your gear and trying to photograph our lunar friend.

Let Your Photograph's Hook Be Your Subject's Eyes

Remember the cliché expression the eyes are the window to the soul? They aren't kidding around with that one, and when you capture a piercing look, you can instantly and easily grab the viewer's attention.

'Buy My New Presets' Said Every Targeted Ad From a Sony Shooter

We've all scrolled past a targeted ad on Facebook or Instagram with a caption screaming for us to buy their new Lightroom or Photoshop presets if we want to take better photos. Is it just me, or does it usually seem these ads are often from folks shooting Sony cameras?

Are Image Watermarks a Thing of the Past?

Ask yourself a simple question, it's 2019 and digital pretty much everything is and has been in full swing for a while now, do you still watermark your images? I do, I have no plans on stopping, and apparently it really upset someone on Instagram recently.

Photographing the Milky Way From an Airplane?

If someone said that you could shoot the milky way right out of a plane window, what would your first thoughts be? Would you say given the right time and location it's possible, or would you say no way without a tripod?

Attempting to Define Street Photography

When it comes to street photography, what counts, how would you define it, and why? Here's a video that poses some potentially tough questions and attempts to define more abstract ideas that may have a fair amount of gray area regarding that very question.

Shooting Long Exposures in the Arctic Circle

If you had the opportunity to visit the somewhere in the Arctic Circle, what sorts of images would you hope to shoot while traveling? If long exposures cross your mind then this one's for you.

Photography and Hiking for Pleasure, Not Profit

When's the last time that you let yourself shoot images without giving a thought to their monetary value? It's too easy to get caught up thinking about how to monetize our profession and it's so important to step back, slow down, and just shoot for the fun of it.

Photographing and Editing the Northern Lights Made Just a Bit Easier

If you're fortunate enough to be somewhere in the world where you have the chance to photograph the northern lights, you'll want to be prepared to take some beautiful images. Hopefully, the tips and tricks in this video help to set you up for success.

Printing Muted or Subtle Colors On a Matte Paper That Really Stands Apart

As we've been discovering over the past few months, there are many options and choices when it's time to print your artwork. Today's paper is a rock star when it comes to unique yet subtle texture and really works wonders with your muted color palettes, so let's check it out.

New Instagram Account That's Shaming The Folks Who Treat Public Lands Like Crap

How many of you have ever been to a national park or hiking trail only to find people disregarding the rules and trails all in pursuit of an ever better selfie or photo for Instagram? Then check out this Instagram account that's getting traction right now for calling out those very people and their bad behavior.

Country Music Trends, Photography, and Modern Sameness

Do you like country music (or music in general for that matter)? Hey, me too and here's a video that I think raises interesting questions and may serve as a great thought exercise regarding modern media trends and the problems of sameness.

Free XQD Memory Card Through B&H on Nikon Z6 And Z7 Purchases

Do you like free stuff when you make a new purchase, especially stuff that you might be purchasing anyway? If you're buying either the Nikon Z6 or Z7 through B&H, you'll also receiving a free XQD memory card (and camera bag) to go with it.

What Qualifies as Deception in Landscape Photography?

How often do you think about either being deceived by or deceiving the viewer when you think about landscape photography? It's a topic worth talking about, as depending on how strongly you feel, it's a potentially polarizing subject.

Basic Real Estate Photography Tips for the Beginning Photographer

Real estate photography is a reliable staple as a source of income for many photographers. The commercial applications of quality real estate imagery are self-explanatory and if you're just getting involved, this video is here to help you with the basics.

Questionable Things Photographers Do on Instagram to Grow Their Accounts

Have you ever wondered how the heck some photographers ended up with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram? The truth is people did and continue to do some questionable things all in the name of a larger number displayed on their Instagram account.