This time last year Lee and I were profiling concert photographer David Bergman as he was shooting a series of Bon Jovi concerts in their New Jersey hometown. A lot has happened since then with David, and he is now currently traveling the world and seeing some pretty amazing venues. Mark Wallace recently caught up with the rockstar photographer and asked him some specific questions about both his photography and his concert website If you follow David on facebook, be prepared to be blown away and extremely jealous of his news feed - he's always up to something interesting.
Patrick Hall is a founder of and a photographer based out of Charleston, South Carolina.
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How interesting there's so few (none) comments. Wonder what happened? His first video way back intrigued.
Maybe such a forceful subject as larger-than-life concert photography begs for visuals.
Thoughts? The post in itself seems like a study in interest and attention.
It's interesting you bring this up Sean. With our FS Originals, we always want to create something that is both visually stimulating and insightful. However, we often have to cut a lot of useful interview footage to accomplish that sort of production. What I love about what Mark did here was he was able to tackle a lot of the questions a concert photographer might deal with.
I remember asking David about how he sets the exposure for a remote camera but we simply didn't have time to include it into our final video. I know most photographers will never get the chance to shoot a band like Bon Jovi but the knowledge David shares can be applied to so many other fields of photography. I'm glad to call David a friend and it excites me that guys at the top of their game are still willing to share their tips and secrets as freely as he does.
So many good things are like that... they take a bit more "mining" to uncover and truly treasure. In many ways, words are like rocky diamonds in an increasingly visual realm.Way to go for the passion to interview, listen intently and learn.
I will be shooting Bon Jovi next week in Athens greece, maybe I'll bump in David :-)
Hopefully I'll come up with something decent :-)
I'll also try to film to make a BTS
Completely jealous on so many levels!
Don't be :-)
Completly hiped about this.... can I carry David B. bags on Lisbon Gig this july !? :D