After seeing the hundredth time-lapse, it can become a little difficult to appreciate the incredible sight of an aurora creeping over hills in Iceland. Do many of us suffer from "art fatigue" where seeing so much great work online can make us a little numb to incredible sights? I admit this was the case for me until I saw this time-lapse from JeffHK.
Of course, art is subjective and each individual may react differently depending on the piece. I for one, however, find this time-lapse to be incredibly inspiring, watching the "tiny" vessel floating on the vast ocean as the world changes around it. My favorite moments were seeing the lightning storms at night with shooting stars flying across the frame. At certain moments in the video, it almost seems to me like the clouds are within arms reach.
The equipment that JeffHK used to shoot this time-lapse was the Nikon D750 and the Rokinon 12mm f/2.8 lens. All in all, it took 30 days 80,000 images to create this time-lapse. JeffHK may need to start looking at replacing his shutter soon.
I'd love to know if there are any works of art that you've seen recently that have inspired you or made you feel the need to create something yourself.
I usually can't sit through too many timelapse videos over 30 seconds, but this was beautiful, mesmerising, and informative! It looks like something PBS should do as a miniseries of shorts before or after episodes of NOVA.
I thought this was so cool, I sat and watched the whole thing and normally a 2 minute timelapse is too long.
I love this type of time lapse. Will sit through this one again, any time. Part of this admiration stands from the fact that all through my working life, I was mostly inside a building. Great to see the container ship going through Straits of Malacca to Singapore and up to Hong Kong. Great work and thank you
Thank you for the comment Elan, much appreciated. You should check out his channel, he has some really cool videos.
Thank you. Will do.
One of my favorite youtubes, no clickbait, no bullshit, great informative content that's always well shot.
I agree, some awesome stuff from him. Thanks for the comment Mike.
Loved watching this. And the music was great too. Thank you for this.
Thank you Novak, really appreciate the kind comment.
What an incredibly beautiful time elapse, one of the best I've ever seen. I shared it on my page and people were mesmerized. Great, soothing music, too. I've watched it a couple of times before bed, sort of like a mini meditation to quell all the negative news lately, and it does help. Thanks so much for sharing this lovely motion art. :)
You're very welcome, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. You should check out his YouTube channel he has some properly awesome videos.
Thanks for the comment.