Japanese Wildlife Photographer Travels the Globe to Film Cats of the World

I happened across this serene video of a tiny kitten befriending Japanese wildlife photographer Mitsuaki Iwago as he was filming for his NHK TV series, "Wildlife Photographer Mitsuaki Iwago's World Cats Travelogue". While being lulled by the tranquility of the scene I couldn't help but think how amazing our craft is, that we can make a living doing something so incredibly delightful. Iwago-san is fortunate enough to travel the world filming and photographing cats in the streets. Being more than a little jealous I wanted to know more about his charmed career and found this "must-read" Olympus interview, "When The Camera Speaks". Truly an enviable job.

Since his twenties Iwago has specialized in photographing cats. His Chotto Nekoboke (Spending a Moment with Cats) (Shogakkan, 2005) became an instant bestseller. In 2012, he began making "Wildlife Photographer Mitsuaki Iwago's World Cats Travelogue" for Japan's broadcasting network NHK BS Premium. ​-Olympus:When The Camera Speaks

via [VVV]

Kenn Tam's picture

Been holding this damn camera in my hand since 1991.
Toronto / New York City

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Not a bad gig. Unless you're allergic to cats. And someone else gets paid to shoot him shooting cats?

Quirkily likeable

What's with the soundbite at 00:01?

I enjoy this much more than another time lapse.