The Hitfilm crew, Kirstie Tostevin, Josh Davies, and Simon Jones take over Film Riot to bring you a kick-butt tutorial on how to create an Iron Man heads-up display effect with their free HitFilm 4 Express software. This eight-minute video takes us all the way from pre-production to post-production.
After they show this slick visual effect in action, Kristie and Josh take us behind the scenes to show us everything we need to know to set up this shot. They cover background, framing, lens use, and lighting. Simon then walks us through the footage's post-grading, mapping, matting, CGI elements, and software use. This tutorial made the process look so easy that I downloaded the software, having never made a film before. A photographer can dream, can't he? In any case, at least I can follow Hitfilm's YouTube Channel for new how-to tips and tutorials every Tuesday. They already have a whole mess of cool FX videos that include spaceships, lightsabers, guns, portal fights, and lightsabers (I know I already said lightsabers, but it's worth repeating). It's also worth noting that most the effects used in these Hitfilm tutorials can be applied in After Effects.
[via Film Riot]