Many of you know about my headshot work, but one of the other major areas of my business is photography for hotels, also known as hospitality photography. Hospitality photography often requires a jack-of-all-trades. I frequently shoot food, cocktails, headshots, mock weddings, and work with models for lifestyle shots. Then add to all that the architectural elements and details of the interior and exterior of the property and you have a shoot that requires quite a bit of different types of gear. When you add it all up, sometimes I’m flying a few hundred pounds worth of gear with me. As I was traveling recently, I thought it was a good time to write up an article about flying and traveling with your gear, and the best way you can minimize the cost of moving it all.
I’ve been very privileged over the last couple years to be traveling all over the U.S. photographing various properties. I realize not everyone travels for work, but the few tips I’m going to lay out below might enable you to bring more gear on your various travels and vacations without having to worry much about weight.
Those of you who do travel probably already know where I’m going with this, so feel free to chime in in the comments if you want to add tips you have learned as well. For those outside the U.S., do some research into your local airlines and see if they have media rates, and feel free to share.

Sacramento International Airport © Dylan Patrick Photography Inc.
The Media Rate
This is the single best thing that has ever happened to the traveling photographer. I realize some guys who travel rent everything on location, which is also a very solid way to go, but with a media rate sometimes the cost of flying everything may be lower than the cost of renting. In my case, it just makes the most sense to bring everything with me. That, and I like working with gear I’m familiar with.
It’s very important to note that each airline has different language for their policy, but they all require a form of identification for your company proving you are indeed what you say you are. This is where having your business set up as a separate entity can be very helpful. Some counter reps may just take your business card and call it good, especially when they see you have a bunch of hard cases in tow. I always hand them my business card and my business credit card, or business debit card. This is simply proof to them that I have a legitimate business, as anyone can print a business card, so be prepared for this. You can try it with just your business card and it might work, maybe wear a T-shirt or hat with your company name or logo on it, and you might get by. I have found that American Airlines and Delta were a little easier and smoother to process the bags than United. Also make sure you arrive very early to do this. I’ve had the process of checking my gear take up to 45 minutes as some people don’t even know how to apply it in their computer system, so they have to ask for help. I’ve also had it take 10 minutes, so you just never know.
So what is a media rate and how do I get it?
The media rate is essentially a flat baggage rate for members of the media, photographers, and filmmakers. Below I’m going to outline the details of each airline's media rate, but they all share one thing in common, a $50-$75 flat rate for a bag up to 99 pounds. That’s a lot of gear that you can fly for the price point. Many airlines also give you up to 25 bags at this rate. Normally for the average Joe, a bag weighing over 50 pounds will carry a fee, and over about 70 pounds the fee gets even larger. With a media rate you don’t have to worry about it as long as your cases are under 100 pounds. So let's look at some media rate policies.

Denver International Airport © Dylan Patrick Photography Inc.
United Airlines
I fly United the most. I have a credit card with them, and I also get a free bag, which is nice. I have recently gotten into their hoity-toity Premier Silver status that makes flying more comfortable, but they are the longest when it comes to handling my media bags. They have a lot of gate agents that don’t know the policy as they should. They usually think it is just for members of the media like CNN or NBC. This usually results in me handing over a copy of their policy, and having to speak with some supervisor who ultimately tells them photographers count. Like I said, I’ve had it take 45 minutes and I’ve had it take 10 minutes. Here you can find their media rate policy.
Representatives from network television, broadcasting and commercial filmmaking companies will be charged a flat service charge to check camera, film, and lighting and sound equipment. The items must be checked by the media representative and the charges are per item at the prices listed in the chart below. The discounted service charge applies for worldwide travel on flights marketed and operated by United, and is subject to seasonal and permanent baggage embargoes. For flights connecting to other airlines, baggage charges are subject to the connecting airline’s baggage policies.
1st standard bag up to 50 lbs. and 62 linear inches
1st bag if bag exceeds 50 lbs. or 62 linear inches
2nd standard bag up to 50 lbs. and 62 linear inches
2nd bag if bag exceeds 50 lbs. or 62 linear inches
3rd - 25th bags up to 99.9 lbs. each
For travel within the U.S.* |
Standard checked bag service charges apply. ($25) |
$50 |
Standard checked bag service charges apply. ($35) |
$50 |
$50 |
For travel outside the U.S.* |
Free |
$70 |
$100 |
$70 |
$70 |
To obtain media checked bag service charge rates, media representatives should provide United airport check-in counter representatives with media credentials; company personnel identification for an entertainment, media or production company; or clearly identified media equipment cases labeled with company identification. If the media representative is unable to provide such verification, customers will be charged standard checked baggage service charges. Spouses and/or other companions, whether traveling in the same or separate reservation as the media personnel, are not eligible for the discount unless they present eligible media credentials.
So as you can see above in bold, the language is worded a little weird. When the counter rep reads it they immediately think you need to be with NBC or something, but in reality you should be able to show her a business card and your clearly labeled equipment cases and be fine. For good measure, having a business credit or debit card will make for an airtight case should they decide to give you any flak, and be prepared to stand your ground if you have to.
I can fly everything pictured below for $200 each way (excluding my free bag and carry-on… no free bag: tack on another $25), and this fee just gets passed on to my client. I should also mention that when I’m doing a full hotel shoot I can easily be onsite for 7-9 days: 2 travel days and 5-7 shooting days. Because I know people will ask, here is a brief overview of what I take.
Those HPRC cases have three Induro tripods with various heads, various clamps and grips, six light stands, two umbrellas, three 1,000W Lowel DP lights, three 250W Lowell Pro Lights, three 50 foot extension cords, a DJI Ronin, an Aviator Travel Jib, Rhino Slider, various diffusors, grids, three speedlights, a 1,200Ws Elinchrom Ranger AS Pack with two heads, Lowel GL-1, 36 inch Lastolite Octa, 24 inch Lastolite EzyBox, a reflector kit, gels, cables, batteries, and so on.
What you’ll find is that to rent all of this would easily be more than $400. Renting the DJI Ronin alone would run $243 for five days from Lens Rentals.
Delta Airlines
Delta's media rate policy is basically the same as United, however their language is a little different. They want a valid ID with company insignia, however I have successfully flown Delta by just handing them my business card and business debit card, and they didn't even look too closely at either. They were probably the nicest and easiest when it came to speed of check in than anyone so far, but again print out their policy and take it along with your ID and business cards.
Camera, film, video tape, lighting and sound equipment that is tendered by representatives of network or local television broadcasting companies or commercial film-making companies will be accepted as baggage at the fees noted below. Valid photo ID with company insignia is required.
Domestic |
Same as regular baggage allowance if no more than 50 lbs. (23 kg)/62 inches. If overweight / oversize, flat media rate of 50 USD/CAD/EUR* applies. |
3rd-25th bags 50 USD/CAD/EUR* each if no more than 100 lbs. (45 kg) and 115 total linear inches* |
International |
Same as regular baggage allowance if under 50 lbs. (23 kg)/62 inches. If overweight / oversize flat media rate of 70 USD/CAD* or 50 EUR* applies. |
3rd-25th checked bags 70 USD/CAD* or 50 EUR* each if under 100 lbs. (45 kg) and 115 total linear inches** (Exception for travel to/from/through Europe, South Africa, or United Arab Emirates: maximum weight is 70 lbs. [30 kg]) |
American Airlines
They have the most friendly policy language for photographers of any airline so far. You can print their policy here. The only thing that is vague is that they don’t specify any weight limits, but just keep it under 100 pounds and you should be fine. The language also says it’s only $50 per piece for international flights as well which is cheaper than United or Delta, and they allow up to 40 pieces.
Camera, film, lighting, and sound equipment will be charged a rate of $50 USD per piece when tendered by representatives of network or local television broadcasting companies, commercial film-making companies, professional photographers, the federal government, Department of Defense or the American Society of Media Photographers. These rates apply to travel within the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and international destinations. A maximum of 25 pieces is allowed per organization/company per American Eagle flight or 40 pieces for American Airlines flights. This policy is subject to seasonal and permanent baggage embargoes. The maximum size and weight allowances are subject to the policies in place for the destination.

Dulles International Airport © Dylan Patrick Photography Inc.
Southwest Airlines
I have never flown Southwest with gear, but they do have a friendly policy. It is more expensive than the others we have talked about, $75 per piece, and no weight restrictions. Southwest is also the only one to still give everyone two free pieces of checked bags, but they have to be 50 pounds or less or else it’s $75 per bag. You can print their policy here.
Camera, film, video, lighting, and sound equipment will be accepted when presented by a representative of a network or local television broadcasting company or a commercial filmmaking company. A fee of $75 will be charged for each item in excess of the free baggage allowance. Media equipment will not be assessed oversized or overweight charges.
US Airways
They have merged with American Airlines so their policies are now aligned.
Alaskan Airlines
They don’t have a specific section of their baggage policy that deals with media, however their rate for bags from 51 pounds to 100 pounds is $75 per bag which is $25 more than United, Delta, or American. You can read more about their baggage policy here.
Jet Blue
Not friendly at all for media. They have no media rate policy, and their overweight charge for 51-100 pounds is $100 per bag. You can read their policy here, but I would just skip them if you plan on flying more than 50 pounds (unless of course the ticket is so cheap that it offsets the cost). It’s unfortunate as I really like JetBlue in every other regard.
Frontier Airlines
I decided to throw this in the mix as they have a media rate, but it’s loosely worded and more expensive than United, American, Southwest, or Delta. Their policy is here. Also note it is only valid for travel entirely on Frontier.
Media personnel with ID may check bags and equipment for $75 each for one-way directional travel wholly on Frontier.

George Bush Intercontinental Airport © Dylan Patrick Photography Inc.
Tips for Packing
It goes without saying: never pack the cameras and lenses in with everything else and check them. You should always carry that stuff on the plane with you. I use the Lowepro Pro Roller X100 for my cameras and lenses, PocketWizards, CamRanger, and a couple speedlights, along with my iPad, and chargers, memory crads, etc.
I then carefully consider my shot list for the client and go over everything I might need, or should bring just in case. You don’t want to be 2,000 miles away and find you forget something. It’s happened to me and it sucks, so when you are packing your gear, really stay on top of all necessary components. One time I brought along my Elinchrom pack and forgot the flash head… Yup, stupidity and Mr. Murphy won.
Not all the time do you need to take everything, and due to the 99.9 pounds allowance most airlines give, you can take plenty of stuff in one hard case. I find getting a couple big hard cases that are empty with no foam can accommodate most anything you need. I personally fly a lot with the HPRC 2780. It is big enough to throw some medium-sized light stands in, along with tripods and a whole host of other things. Sometimes I’ll pack all the gear and then clothes in it so I’m only dealing with one checked bag if the job is smaller.
A lot of people ask about the HPRC cases, so without going into a full gear review they are basically about the same cost or less as a Pelican, sometimes a little more. They are made just as well, and are typically a little lighter. Now that last part is important because you have to factor in the empty weight of the case along with your gear. Heavier the empty case, the less gear you can take.
Just for a quick comparison:
(In this particular case, the HPRC is a little more expensive.)
Interior Dimenions: 29.4 x 20.6 x 14.3 inches (74.68 x 52.32 x 36.32 centimeters) (LxWxH)
Weight: 26.1 pounds (11.8 kilograms)
Cost: $322
Interior Dimensions: 27.7 x 20.98 x 15.5 inches (70.3 x 53.3 x 39.4 centimeters) (LxWxD)
Weight: 31 pounds (14.06 kilograms)
Cost: $258.12
So while the HPRC is more expensive, the dimensions of the two are close, but notice the length. The HPRC is longer by a couple inches, which can make a huge difference when it comes to tripods and light stands fitting. It's not quite as deep as the Pelican, but for me the length is more important, and it weighs almost 5 pounds less. That may not seem like a lot but it adds up. Either way you go, getting one or two of these will allow you to carry quite a bit of gear, and each of these companies have smaller options as well. Whatever you do, make sure you pack everything in there tight and you will be fine. Both cases are built like tanks, and trust me they take a beating from the airlines. I have yet to have anything break, and I also pack in a box of 12 daylight-balanced light bulbs in a cardboard box, and have yet to have that break in transit.
Get some tape or spray paint, and make sure your company info, address, and contact number are clearly on the front of these. I have had many people ask if I get worried about the airline losing them; I never do. First, everything is insured through The Hartford, and second, an airline actually completely losing your bag is pretty rare these days. Also with cases like these they are hard to miss. I have had them get delayed though. As long as you keep your receipts and baggage tickets you will be fine. Certainly if you can get on nonstop flights it is even better. Arrive very early at the airport to allow for check-in time, and give them ample time to get the bags down to the plane as they will be heavy. I often just get a luggage cart from one of the vendors and they will usually have me leave the bags on it so it’s easier for them to take down. If it is a lot of heavy bags they won’t put it on the normal baggage belt, they will have to manually either take it down or wheel it over to a heavy-duty belt for odd sized items. Also remember once you get to your destination sometimes they will put your bags on the oversized belt there and it will come out in a different area than the main baggage carousel. They usually have signs for this area labeled “Odd Sized baggage.”

Dulles International Airport © Dylan Patrick Photography Inc.
Get Priority Boarding
These days people aren’t checking bags as much, and if you are in the last group to board the plane, your roller with all your cameras and lenses may have to get checked under the plane. One way to do this is to sign up for a credit card through United American or Delta. The United and American cards are easier to get, and they give you one free checked bag under 50 pounds as well as priority boarding. The benefit here is two-fold. First, you get access to that valuable overhead bin space. Second, if you use the credit card for business purposes only (which you should), then you are getting a lot of miles for meals, bags, and other expenses along with the priority boarding and airline perks — and it’s all a tax write-off for your business. This way you never have to worry about some airport baggage handler tossing your bag off the jet bridge to the guy below with $5,000–10,000 worth of camera gear in it. Unless you get a carry-on compatible hard case which both Pelican, HPRC, and others make, but even then I don’t want my cameras out of my sight.
Hopefully this helps you all travel a little easier with gear. Even if you are only taking one case with you, it can help save you money on overweight charges, and increases your potential capability to handle any type of job that might come your way.
If you have some tips you have learned along the way feel free to share in the comments below!
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Why not pack your camera and lenses, assuming they are appropriately packed? Is there something different done with the gear when it goes that way?
Thanks for chiming in Seth! I'm not sure I understand your question....are you asking if you can just pack the camera and lenses in a hard case and check it? If thats what you meant, you certainly can and I'm sure it would be plenty safe. The problem that may occur if for whatever reason your luggage is delayed then you are stuck without your camera. Which means any work you may have been able to do with just the camera is also delayed, but certainly you can just check everything, I just like to keep the camera's with me ;-)
My camera never leaves my sight when I am traveling. Sometimes the camera bag is so heavy that I think it may get taken away from me. But since the bag is the required cabin size and I am the one logging it around pretending as though it weighs nothing, I haven't had it taken away from yet. Knock wood
I'm with you Bruno yet you still need to be careful. A photographer friend of mine lost his gear in the TSA security area, an entire pelican case disappeared full of gear!
I have shipped lenses under the plane, and its a complete gamble. I highly recommend against it. Even properly packed I've had about a 10% breakage rate. This is with video lenses that lose the ability to properly focus after having had major impacts.
good to know thank you Michael!
Wow, what a cool article. Can I repost it on I really love that you went into this in full detail. Thanks so much, Dylan.
Thank you Shmuel! I private messaged you with Fstoppers rules for re-posting content
Do you check your Rock n Roller as baggage too? Its very helpful in this type of situation I'm sure! Great info Dylan!
thank you Connie! No I actually don't, however if I needed to the Rock n Roller cart will fit into the HPRC 2800 I believe. I usually just get the Smart Carte's at the airport, and then when I arrive it goes straight into a car service and I have the drivers help, then straight onto a bell cart at the hotel
Wow...great article with tons of detail for an airline feature I didn't even know existed! Thanks Dylan!
Also, with all the scrutiny as to what contraband some folks may attempt to get onto a plane(drugs, etc), has your gear ever been opened or rummaged through in travel? I only say that because some gear(perhaps umbrellas) may not fare so well if someone tries to rummage through it looking for contraband.
Thanks Jason! I probably should have mentioned that in the article more, but yes...for everyone... YOUR GEAR WILL BE INSPECTED. I never have any problems though, I fly umbrellas all the time I just put them in the bottom and along one of the sides so they never get damaged. I also throw things like a Leatherman, and other assorted allen keys, and tools that never get are allowed knives in checked luggage.
I had absolutely NO idea something like this existed. Thanks for the thorough article. Delta's got a big hub at JFK and they practically fly anywhere. Good point on the Delta card. We've got their business amex, and the priority boarding, and first checked bag for free are nice little perks (aside from the miles).
On a side note, do you often travel with an assistant? Looking at all those hard cases, and that's a lot of baggage to shuffle from the cab, onto the cart, and then into the car rental at the destination airport.
I've actually contemplated shipping gear by ground via UPS to a UPS facility at the destination city, and upon arrival, just picking it up. A bit more convenient, but the dollar figure is probably higher.
Got an upcoming trip to Iceland through Delta. I might just use your technique :-)
Thank you Michael! Yeah that Delta card is a good one, and combined with your business card and print the policy out and you should be fine...they were really easy when I flew them. I always print out the policy the night before so it is date stamped in case anyone gives you crap...
I do travel with an assistant for the bigger jobs, but either way it's just a workout for a min, utilizing the Smart Carte's really just means a min or two of lifting and then its good to go, by myself I tend to just drag them off the belt and onto the cart pretty quick and easy they all have wheels which helps, and I've gotten really good at stacking it all on one lol! Enjoy Iceland, and definitely give it a whirl, you have the business card already so you'll be fine! Also, allow for that extra 45 min at JFK, when I lived in NYC they handled it pretty quick but not always
UPS is definitely more convenient, but yeah probably more expensive in some cases
Awesome shots Dylan! I love airport architecture. Were you officially shooting these or in ninja mode? I always thought it'd be fun to take some shots on a long layover, but too timid to use anything but a camera phone. Anyone else have experience in this realm? (anecdotal comments welcomed)
Thank you! I was just shooting them for a personal project, nobody at the airport has ever stopped me from taking pictures
I've found taking the time to create a Media ID works really well in a lot of cases, from personal experience. I got a hard printed card with my company name, logo, MEDIA in big print, some identifying numbers and barcode and it has made things super smooth, paired with a business card and business credit/debit card and you should be in the clear.
Yeah a lot of the United Reps don't know what they are talking about, I often highlight the parts of their policy that I put in bold above, and just hand them the piece of paper, they usually still call a supervisor, but it works out. I'd rather battle it out a little than pay normal rates, but it has slowly subsided, and doesn't happen as much now. Just take the copy of their policy next time and see how it works for you. I also say things like "I've been traveling like this for over a year with no problems"
Here is a trick to get tripods on your flights for free - yes free. Pack you tripods in a golf bag upside-down so the legs are pointing up in the bag. Then put golf cub socks over your tripod legs, when the airline looks at the golf bag and if they ask you to open them all they see are legs with club socks on them.
The cool part is even the discount carriers give you golf clubs for free.
I have flown to South America, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa and always use this little trick, and never once have I had to pay for my golf-pods.
Same apply in Australia if you ask otherwise, they charge the normal for excess baggage. Also most airlines counter people aren't educated about the media rate and also think it only applies to the bid TV network crew :-)
Great info and thanks for letting the cat out of the bag for a lot of people.
Good to know thank you Bruno!
Delta airlines gave me the same message, unless you're from a major media outlet we can't help you. I intentionally called Delta directly, trying to find someone who would have an answer. Nobody had anything useful to say. Cost me about 400 bucks in baggage fees for slightly over the limit international flight, both ways.
Killer post
Thank you Lee!
ABSOLUTELY make yourself one of these "media credentials." I made this one in my office and the numbers are random and mean nothing. It will take your negotiations with airline staff from 45 minutes to 10, I promise. I have used it all over the country without fail. Unfortunately European airlines do not have these media rates so don't bother outside of the US (I've tried in 9 countries).
Awesome Josh! Yeah I keep meaning to do this, but my check-in's have gotten way easier lately so I keep forgetting. Good stuff!
What type of stands are you traveling with? I typically use Manfrotto stacker stands but they're around 41 inches closed.
They are very compact stands that came with my Lowel hot light kits. They double well for everything else I might need too. But I wish they were just a couple pounds lighter
Thank you so much for this detailed and well written post. I don’t do a lot of traveling at the moment but I am always looking out for how others do it. One of my biggest concerns when traveling with gear is lost of the gear. I typically carryon at least 1 camera with 2 to 3 lens just incase the rest of gear is delayed, lost or worse yet damaged. My last travel they announced at the gate that the flight was completely book and that passengers with carryon should checked their carryon at the gate. I completely ignore that and just walk on the flight with my camera bag.
One more thing, has anyone ever use their APA card for credential?
Thanks again for sharing very valuable information that we all can befit from.
Thank you Antonio! I have not used an APA card personally, but combined with a business card, and if you have a business credit card you should be fine, or as Josh mentioned above just make your own media badge
Dylan, great write-up; I've thus far been fortunate enough not to need to use the media rate in the little bit of travel work I've done... so far.
My question / comment has less to do with the article's content than it does with your pictures. I am actually Dulles' photographer, also doing quite a bit of work for DCA as well; I am the first and only photography business badged at the airport, and I'm at one or both airports photographing for different projects roughly weekly. It looks like you got your pictures during a layover in the B Concourse; did you get a chance to walk around and look at some of the pictures and ads? You didn't get any of my work in your pictures, but I see a lot of projects I've touched. A lot of my work is spread all over the airport, and social media accounts - I am actually the photographer behind Dulles' profile picture. And if you exited the sterile area to baggage claim, you had to have walked past a portrait gallery - that's a project I've been involved with and shooting for several years now.
I just like seeing Dulles get attention since it's my airport, and I've been working there for a decade now. I'm glad, and also not surprised, you did not get any hassle photographing. Photos are rather encouraged since it is such a picturesque place, and Dulles actually has a friendly relationship with local plane-spotters (who are all jealous of my access, yet I barely ever photograph aircraft in my work, which is somewhat ironic). If you ever find yourself taking pictures outside of the secured area, particularly of the Main Terminal, you'll need to check in by calling Airport Operations; they're a great, helpful, and friendly group who is familiar with plane spotters and fans of the airport's architecture letting them know they're taking pictures.
Glad you enjoyed Dulles at Dusk, and next time you're flying through, keep your eyes open for me and some of my work (I shoot / edit the pictures, and the graphic designers do the rest). The most notable event I shot there is Space Shuttles Discovery & Enterprise. If you're curious, there's lots of my airport work on my website:
Hi David!
You have an awesome body of work my friend. I'm a little jealous of your access too, I actually had no idea Airports contracted photographers regularly, an awesome market to find yourself, with what I can assume is fairly consistent work. I've been collecting the images for a personal project of the airports I go to, unfortunately I don't always have the time I would like. I actually shot the Dulles images at dawn, so in all honestly I don't really recall the specific portrait exhibit you were talking about however I arrived in United's Terminal, and flew out at dawn from American's. I did notice a heavy emphasis on using imagery which is nice, some hotel clients are also doing that, I feel like it can be more interesting than random abstract paintings. Very Very cool work my friend! Next time I'm there I'll schedule more time to look around, I was half asleep when I took these, and thank you for the tip on who to contact when taking pictures! It's nice to know a lot of places are friendly to photography, but it's nice to have a direction to go when I want to be more legit with it....they are usually always quick shots, but it would be cool to break out a tripod without the national guard tackling me or something :) Thanks again for reading and your comments, and again really awesome work!
Thank you for the excellent and thorough post, Dylan! I travel a lot with Southwest and for the most part they are great with media. They will not charge more for overweight bags though, and it says as much on their baggage policy that you posted a link to. I have worked hard to keep my travel gear to under 50lbs/bag each to avoid most of these issues. My only complaint about Southwest is that when they know the bags have media equipment in them they make you sign the back of their luggage labels that has a whole bunch of tiny print basically stating that they are not responsible in the event of anything being lost or damaged. SW also merged with AirTran, which has given me more options for changing flight plans when some flights were delayed. Always nice to get home on time. :)
I'm curious how your experience has been checking the Ronin. I haven't flown with mine yet. I mean, the case is rock solid, but have you had any issues with it on the move all the time?
Also, do you put TSA approved locks on your bags? I've used them and then had my bags show up in baggage claim without the locks.
.. and the HPRC. I wasn't aware there was a lighter option than the Pelicans out there. Thank you!
Priority boarding... couldn't agree more. Cheers.
Good to know Ryan Thank you! I forgot to look at AirTran, so thank you for pointing that out. As for flying the Ronin, to be honest this is the first time I did far so good with no issues, having that laser cut case keeps everything solid and it did go tumbling off the luggage cart when I got home to LA, and all is good. My only real complaint with the Ronin case is compared to the HPRC cases it doesn't feel as rock solid, and I wish the latches were more like Pelican's or HPRC's where you have to lift up to unlatch. I like that it is lighter than my HPRC cases, but we'll see how long it lasts ;-) As for TSA locks, I don't bother locking them, mainly because I've had guys mention the same thing, that TSA takes them or forgets to put them on, and I know almost always my bags will be searched so why fight it I guess :) I love the HPRC cases, and like I mentioned most times they are lighter for similar dimensions, but not always. Just like they are generally cheaper, but not always. Pelican does have more selection, but hell, I like going against the grain check em out! maybe they'll start adding more options soon!
You left out Virgin America Airline. I've checked in 8 bags, some were over sized, over weight and they only charged me $25 per bag!!!! :) I love them
Virgin doesn't fly out of my home airport :(
I've used my ASMP badge to travel with gear at media rate on numerous airlines - seems to be pretty widely accepted. Nice to see that American Airlines officially recognizes the organization for this rate.
Being a Canadian, and also just about to board a plane. I spoke with Air Canada and inquired about media rates. The agent I spoke with scoured everything and spoke with a n associate and apparently, Air Canada doe snot have any media rates whatsoever! No love for us northern clickers!
Bummer Adrian! maybe check with other Canadian airlines? I'm not familiar with any other than Air Canada though, and I'm sorry I didn't include it!
The best, most thorough and informative article I've read on traveling with multiple pieces of gear. As someone who has 4 million miles and 3000+ nights in hotels I feel safe in saying that. Great job. It should be required reading for anyone contemplating traveling with gear. Most important take-aways...get there early, know the policy and be friendly but firm if need be. My only other addition would be to take direct flights whenever possible and avoid plane changes if you can. That's the place where most cases go astray. But if you have your cameras, even some of them, you can start working while waiting on delayed bags. In my earlier days of travel skycaps had incredible freedom to help and generous tips would take care of things. Now the computers at check-in limit counter agents from working outside the system. That's when having a policy and asking for supervisor help comes in handy. So many of the pros at airlines were 'retired' and the newer staff isn't as savvy when it comes to manipulating the software.
Thank you so much for kind words and support! Great additional tips you pointed out too! 4 million miles....whew! My hat is off to you sir!
I've got my first real cross country job (Dallas to Miami) coming up in a few months. I'm absolutely terrified about putting my Ronin on an airplane. I'm sure it's tougher than I think, but I treat it like its made of glass. I'm considering just driving so I can keep everything in my site the whole way.
doesn't that cart count as a luggage item???
Your interpretation of Southwest's media rates is incorrect. You can get two bags up to 99 lbs each for free! I do it all the time and have been for five years. The rule is that "media equipment is not accessed for overweight or oversize". You already get two bags free up to 50 lbs (because that's what SWA does), but you can pack them up to 99 lbs, which is SWA's absolute weight limit (they won't take a pound more, no exception), and they can be oversized too.
I travel with two trunks about 75 lbs each for free, every time. Occasionally, I need at third, which is only $75 up to 99 lbs.
Each bag after two free is only $75, up to 99 lbs each. And you can bring a total of 9 bags per passenger. If you're traveling with a friend, you get four for free, then up to 18 bags. I don't have that much gear, but some do, and it's cheaper and faster than shipping.
So in your picture, as is, Southwest would charge you $75 each for the third, fourth, and fifth bags. That's $25 more than you do now on United. But, you would save $50 if you could cram it all into four trunks, and $125 if you could get it into three.
But SWA is very different that United. There's no status and all that nonsense. No first class. Just seats. I will say that their agents and flight crews are some of the most easy going. They are my preferred airline because the media rate fit my needs and the crews are so easy going about everything.
Curious about the cart pictured. How do you take that? Is that bungeed (to keep it from opening up) and checked?
Does anyone have any tips for international airlines? I'm not travelling to the United States of America often. I searched for media rates and photographer in a lot of European and Asian airlines and I couldn't find anything.
Another little trick that I use is I put my camera/drone batteries in my camera / lens bag. That way, I have to keep my bag with me inside the plane (you're not allowed to check Lipo batteries, they must be in your carry on). Also, Pelican Air makes a really great travel case - specifically the 1615AIRWD with dividers. I have two of these and they usually won't exceed 50lbs when fully loaded. I also carry a little travel luggage scale so I can check the weight prior to heading to airport (but I usually have this figured out a few days before departure).
Delta has recently changed their policy and I'm wondering if anyone has flown in the last month or so and had issues. I'm a still shooter with a media badge listing my production company. I'm worried they are going to be looking to see a known broadcast or motion picture logo now that the terminology is more specific. I typically fly AA but this trip it appears Delta is my best option for rates.
there's a company in Miami that creates Media passes and are registered through them
I've been using them for 3 years as of now. They provide you with ID cards and other stuff. I am quick to pull out the ID card to verify my press credentials. I work for a magazine but even then you can create your own reason for a pass on the website. I do have to deal with the prices from the airlines but its still better then beating full price.