We've been listening to feedback, and it seems as though you all like contests that engage your skill level. Well prepare to be engaged! We will be hosting more photo contests in the future, starting with this one brought to you by Nations Photo Lab and hosted by our pals at Viewbug! Just submit your best photo that features bright colors for your chance to win!
Heard of Nations Photo Lab? Nations is known for stellar customer service, killer pro products and super competitive prices. Plus, the NPL team is made up of photographers and artists, which means they care as much as you do.
You can try out NPL this month with 25% off any NPL product using the promo code FSTOP13! Hooray discounts!
Now, about the contest... You can win one of two ways:
Grand Jury Winner - Nations Photo Lab $100 Gift Card, a feature interview in the ViewBug Blog and 200 Reward Points.
People's Choice - Nations Photo Lab $100 Gift Card, a feature interview in the ViewBug Blog and 200 Reward Points.
The judge of the winning photo will be picked by Amit Vitale, a photographer and filmmaker who has taken her to more than 85 countries and her photographs have been commissioned by nearly every important international publication and the images have been exhibited around the world in museums and galleries.
Want to increase your chances of winning? Get an extra 500 Reward Points by liking the contest, using #viewbug on your submission on instagram or by sharing it on Pinterest. One random person will be selected.
To enter and read the official rules, makes sure to head over to the contest page on Viewbug. Good luck!