Boost Your Creativity With This Simple System

Finding interesting subjects to photograph can be challenging. This is where the WAKE system comes into play. z

Coming to you from Alex Kilbee with The Photographic Eye, this insightful video introduces the WAKE system, designed to help you find compelling subjects and capture great photographs. Kilbee explains that following strict photography rules can sometimes limit creativity. Instead, the WAKE system encourages you to explore and notice details you might otherwise overlook.

The first part of the WAKE system, “W,” stands for “what to photograph.” When you find yourself overwhelmed by visual noise, especially in busy environments, a helpful trick is to squint or defocus your eyes. This blurs the scene and reveals the primary shapes, pools of light, or splashes of color that form the foundation of a strong image. Breaking down a scene into these basic elements makes it easier to identify potential subjects and compositions.

Next, “A” stands for “assumptions.” Challenging assumptions in photography is crucial for capturing unique and interesting images. Instead of photographing common objects in typical ways, think about how you can approach them differently. For instance, shooting from a low angle or experimenting with lighting can give a fresh perspective. Kilbee references Phil Penman’s work, where he often uses a worm’s eye view to create striking street photos. By questioning conventional methods, you open up new creative possibilities.

As you can see, it's a great system. Check out the video above for the other two letters! 

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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