We've featured ESPN photographer Brett Wilhelm's work before as he's taken us through numerous one-man setups for his events. This time, Wilhelm gives us a great video covering everything you need to know about wirelessly transmitting your images in the field with the Nikon system. From connecting to FTP servers through your iPhone or local wireless network to explaining the advantages and disadvantages between the WT-5 and WT-4, Wilhelm makes sure you'll be ready to shoot anything in the field for instant transmission back to your editing team.
For even more details to really get set up properly, check out Wilhelm's blog post on the subject with more tips, tricks, and transmission options.
Even if you don't shoot with Nikon's "pro" bodies, odds are Nikon still makes an adapter for your camera that can allow you to transfer images the same way. While wireless is most appreciated outdoors or on location, it can be useful (if slightly slower) in the studio as well, freeing you up from cables while still allowing clients, editors, and assistants to see the work roll in on larger screens. Have a different setup you use regularly? Share it with us!
Not a Nikon shooter, but I still really enjoyed the video. Technology makes everything we do a lot easier today and it's great to see it put in use at such big events like this. It sure beats handing off memory cards to assistants every 15 minutes.