How to Properly Use a Gimbal for Smooth Video

So you bought a gimbal! Great! But now you're wondering why your gear is still coming out slightly shaky and why the gimbal isn't doing as promised and creating a buttery-smooth video for you like magic! Odds are you're not quite using it right. But thanks to Christian Santiago, we can get a great virtual lesson on what you should be doing to shoot like the pros.

Shooting on a gimbal isn't always as easy as it seems. Without a spring or cushion of any kind for the y-axis, vertical bumps and overall movement won't be absorbed with even the higher-end gimbals such as the Ronin or MōVI systems, which are still unlike a true Steadicam.

Still, you can get professional results if you "bend the knees," balance your gear properly, and take a few other precautions that Santiago shares with us in this extremely thorough beginner's guide to using a gimbal system with your video rig.

Adam Ottke's picture

Adam works mostly across California on all things photography and art. He can be found at the best local coffee shops, at home scanning film in for hours, or out and about shooting his next assignment. Want to talk about gear? Want to work on a project together? Have an idea for Fstoppers? Get in touch! And, check out film rentals!

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Another tip. On some of my wedding vids, I use a Hoverboard for those low-midground dronelike pans. Takes the walking variable completely away. It's not perfect in some cases, but believe me, if you master it plus gimbal, it can go a looong way! =)

I am totally on board with this. I am looking for an excuse to drop some money on one of those one wheels electric skateboards. It seems like a match made in heaven with gimbal work.

Man, I am so grateful for the feature! Thank you!