The Interplay of Composition and Light

When it comes to creating a successful landscape image, few things are more fundamental than composition and light. However, they are not separate, discrete ideas that have no bearing on each; rather, they are deeply intertwined and influence each other. This great video explores how light and composition interact and how you can use them to create more engaging images.

Coming to you from Adam Gibbs, this excellent video explores the relationship between composition and light. It can be common practice to look for good light, then to build a composition within that scene based on the physical elements present, but as Gibbs discusses, the light itself can be a foundational element in the composition. Using the interplay of light and shadow, you can make light and shadow the subjects of the photo, or you can use the light and shadow to communicate the three-dimensionality of the scene. Rather than consider composition separate from the light, try thinking of them as a single element. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Gibbs.

And if you really want to dive into landscape photography, check out the "Photographing the World" tutorial series with Elia Locardi.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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1 Comment

Second time today I've had my mind expanded by the idea of light & shadow as subject. It's a sign. :)

Thanks for the educational content.