Learn These Nine Model Poses Before Your Next Shoot

It doesn't matter what kind of photography you do; if you shoot people, then knowing a few key posing ideas can really help to take your images to the next level.

I'm sure many of us have had people seize up on us the second they were placed in front of the camera. Awkward or boring poses cannot be fixed in Photoshop later, so it's paramount you have a few posing suggestions up your sleeve if your subject is struggling to come up with ideas.

Luckily for us, the team over at Mango Street is back once again with another useful video showing nine model poses to use on a photoshoot. While the subject in their video is female, I actually think many of their posing ideas could be used for either sex. For those who would like an even more masculine collection of posing suggestions, this video which is also by Mango Street is worth a watch.

What I especially like about this video is how concise it is. In the matter of a few minutes, you could pull out your phone while on a shoot and show your subject the clip to help get the creative juices going and save the day. Having a few videos like this bookmarked is actually a good habit to get into in my opinion. Not only can you get inspiration from them yourself, but having the ability to be able to send over links to people in advance can really help to prepare your subjects ahead of time.

Paul Parker's picture

Paul Parker is a commercial and fine art photographer. On the rare occasion he's not doing photography he loves being outdoors, people watching, and writing awkward "About Me" statements on websites...

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These are torture poses!

yeah, I won't be using any of these poses. I also won't be using plywood for a background.

bookmarked this video so i can show models on my next shoot how NOT to pose in front of the camera. The idea may have had some merit but i think the execution was poor and it doesn't help not having any quality final images of this...

Missing "The lol"

Useful video. thx

Wait what? Fstoppers, you need to start editing content. Just because someone makes a video related to photography doesn't mean you have to share it.

Also what happened to the feature where we could thumb up or down the article.

Well that was a waste of 90 seconds.