Critique the Community


Submit your best images that incorporate "motion" for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 12 May 18 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.82 - "Needs Work" 
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Nice picture, too bad for the framing

Nice moment. If I was editing through images on a game I shot I would stop on this but not sure I would send to the editor. And almost. Here is why I feel this way. First the crop. Many sports images just need to be crapped tight. There are times to let a sports image have a wide look but in this case the grass doesn't help the image at all IMO. I like the umpire watching but he not good enough to keep, I would crop out. And last I really would like to see more of the base runners face.

Now that said, if he was tagged out and it was a big play or sealed a victory, I would send it.