A gorgeous long exposure during sunrise at Hamnøy in Lofoten, Norway.
The long exposure creates the perfect motion in the clouds.
Critique the Community
Submit your best images that incorporate "motion" for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
Submission Deadline: May 12, 2018, 3:45 AM
This contest has ended.
Voting is closed.
Congratulations to the winners!
This is a great landscape photo. Not sure if this belongs in this category :-/
So you don’t qualify the movement of the clouds as motion? It’s an object caught while it moves. There’s no rules in this contest that qualifies what motion is, it’s quite open to everything. But it’s fine you share your opinion, it’s more than welcome but I disagree.
I agree with your point that there are no rules in this contest. That's why I said that I'm not completely sure about the categorization of this photo.
Of course I saw the motion in the clouds but this photo does not trigger motion for me.
If somebody would show me this picture and I have to tell him/her in what category this picture would fit the best, I would say landscape. And in that category it would get 4 stars from me.