Critique the Community


Submit your best images that incorporate "motion" for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 12 May 18 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.25 - "Needs Work" 

A border collie entering the weave poles with high speed at a dog agility competition. I love the intense focus and how he is fighting for traction.

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Nice freeze of the motion and moment. I would crop tighter to bring the viwer in more to the dogs focus. Especially the left side. I would crop up almost to the first blue pole. Dare I say a square crop would be nice.

Thanks for the feedback, bryan! This was a spread in a magazine and some of the space was filled with text. The crop was dictated by the editor. Also, I couldn't bring myself to crop out that tiny speck of flying grass on the right. I totally see your point, though.

Ah, room for text makes sense. I woildn't crop the grass either. Hopefully they ran it big, 2 page spread. Attention grabber!

Looked pretty sweet! :)