Critique the Community


Submit your best images that incorporate "motion" for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 12 May 18 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.02 - "Needs Work" 

When playing tennis, it’s crucial to keep the eyes right on the ball. This shot was taken on assignment in a training session, and the player was absolutely focused on the ball one instant before the hit. The natural light was coming from her right side, while the court's background was completely dark, helping to lighting her. A very fast shutter speed has helped to freeze the motion and, as a bonus, the player’s name (Sil), written on the ball was facing me.

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I like it. Solid. Not sure why others are voting low. Nice moment, nice freeze of the motion and nice use of the available light. I'm sure she loves it.

Thanks for your kind words, my friend. I guess either the community is full of exceptional photographers or is simply waaaay too demanding lol. And, yes, she loves it. I mean, I'm of course open to criticism, but although I understand this is not an outstanding picture, in my opinion it shows motion (the purpose of this assignment) very well. "needs work" looks a little underrated for me.