Critique the Community


With Elia Locardi
Submit your best landscape photos for your chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 04 Sep 18 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.38 - "Needs Work" 

"Rosstrappe" in the Harz mountains, Germany. I think the spot is quite decent with the zig-zag lines formed by the hills. I went there for a weekend, especially to photograph sunset from that spot, but also other locations in the area.
That evening, I was pretty lucky. The whole day it had been bright sun with almost no clouds, and I was mentally prepared for a totally boring sunset, but an hour before sunset some clouds finally showed up...
Another, landscape-orientation shot of the same location, 15 mins later, is among the pictures in my profile, but I liked this one slightly better, although the sun does not touch the horizon.

Blended from two exposures.

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