Critique the Community


With Elia Locardi
Submit your best landscape photos for your chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 04 Sep 18 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.59 - "Solid" 

A few years back, a friend invited me for a fourth of July trip to Oregon. It was last minute invite, as his other friend canceled due to his parents being in town for a surprise visit. I had never been to Oregon before but after seeing a photos he sent me of the places we would see I gladly accepted. He suggested that I should rent a wetsuit for the trip (I thought he was joking) but after doing some research I understood why and got one for the trip. After a 10 hours drive taking turns along the way and only stopping for fuel and bathroom breaks, we arrived at 7:00am to Oneonta Gorge. The morning was a chilly one, and we each slipped into our wetsuits, camera equipment in drybags and began the walk up the river. When we started the water was up to our ankles and continued walking up stream the river until we came up to the logjam. A pile of trees that was about 15 feet high from what appeared to be collected from a previous rainstorm. We climbed over the logs and continued the trek, with the water getting up higher in some areas. The view was amazing, the colors and textures of the green moss made it as if any minute you would see a fairy zip by. I now understood the importance of the wetsuit, even though it was summer, the water was ice cold. We could hear the waterfall as we continued the walk up. The last 12 feet, the water got deeper up to your chin it's about 10-12 feet in length than it gets back to ankle deep again. After this, you arrive at the waterfall. It was breathtaking, so we set up and took some shots. I wanted to get a sense of scale, so I asked my friend to stand in front of the waterfall. I like the contrast of the wetsuit he was wearing with the lush green of the surrounding area.

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Really like it! The edges of the frame seem a bit too bright to me. Have you thought about toning down green a bit on the edges to try to bring people in to the center?

I think with a little easing off the green this is a solid 4

Thank you for the input, Chris and Chirs this photo will be displayed in this fall’s Smithsonian Exhibition starting in late October in Washington DC. I wish I could have made the suggested edits.