I often do city abstracts, however this is my only city abstract made by shooting a reflection. I used the reflection of a building in another curved glass building. The buildings are actually quite far apart, but I guess the geometry of the curved building makes it seem bigger, as you can see multiple duplicates of the same windows.
This is a three image panoramic stitch. No photoshop needed, just the perfect angle. It’s not my best work, but I’ve yet to see anything like this done like this, on Fstoppers or elsewhere, so I suppose that makes it “unique”.
This literally looks like that optical illusion where you're trying to determine if the lines are straight or bent. It's really interesting to look at. Without reading the description I never would have known that this wasn't just the side of a building you caught a perfect angle to get all the verticals just right. I like it.
Maybe a tighter crop would be stronger, I like it as a fine art mix with architecture.