Critique the Community

Senior Portraits

Submit Your Best Senior Portraits For Critique
  • Submission Deadline: Mon, 02 Mar 20 06:00:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • Congratulations to the winners!

    View Results

Community Avg
3.06 - "Solid" 
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Beautiful lighting and color palette!

Thank you sir!

Fun image. Well done

Thank you.

I think this is a great photo all-around. Fun, vibrant, eye-catching...nice job!

Thank you, i appreciate the kind words.

Thank you for your praise, you're too kind.

Great senior photo! It’s bright and colorful. Her smile is genuine and youthful. Her clothing style compliments her age: form fitting but not overly “sexy”. Great work! Love the colors too. It just makes me feel her happiness when I look at this image.

Thank you. I tried to focus all the elements in the image to convey fresh youthful happiness. Luckily the model did a lot of the work.

One of my faves in this competition, love the lighting, pose, genuine smile! Well done!

Thank you so much!