Critique the Community

Images Taken During Quarantine

Submit Your Best Image Taken During Quarantine
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 09 Apr 20 02:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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Community Avg
2.63 - "Solid" 

I finally decided to learn photoshop and what's better possibility to do it than a worldwide quarantine? Let me know what you think!

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Looks nearly like a render. Would love to know what you did to get it this clean.
The only thing that looks "out of place" with this clean of an image is the front lens element.
I have honestly no Idea how to fix it but this is the only place my eye goes to and says: "that looks a but odd".
Other than that: Really great. Is it lit with a softbox?

Hey alexander, i've done a lot of cleaning of the baseplate which this was shot on as it was super scratched. For lighting i used two softboxes, one on the right as a key light and one on the left as a backlight. I think the reason this looks like a render is because of how big these softboxes were and how close they were to the flashlight (to maximize the softness of the light).

Oh and i forgot to mention, the final image is focus stacked (3 exposures, 1st on the logo, 2nd in the middle, 3rd on the front). Also i've brightened the logo and the text slightly to make it "pop" more
