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Images Taken During Quarantine

Submit Your Best Image Taken During Quarantine
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 09 Apr 20 02:45:00 +0000

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2.7 - "Solid" 

I never thought the most elementary things like being outside and having a walk would become one of highest goods in my life. Everything we had / have seems so close yet far from one minute to another. And the worst of the situation to me is actually not knowing for how long we need to deal with it.

I didn’t do any photography for a couple of month now. But knowing I won’t be able to do any photography in the next time probably made me really wanna go out and just do what I love. Like you always want what you can’t get. Nevertheless I took the change to capture Berlin in this weird moment on a bright sunny spring day. Dead empty streets as far as the eye can see. Even though it felt strange and somehow forbidden because I know I should stay home instead. But at least I avoided the public transportation in consideration of social distance. At the ende of they day I walked above 10 km. After two weeks staying home that was pretty exhausting.

Long story short I am really happy with the result of my short small outbreak. The image speaks for the global quarantine itself in my option. It’s all about distancing to come together now. Stay healthy everybody!

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The concept of the picture is really nice. The positioning of the sun and timing for that is great. Maybe the shadows are a bit to dark and the same shot on a day with a blue sky and some stray clouds would make this even better in my opinion.

Great image. Maybe push the orange-tones a tiny bit more just to give it a bit more "heat".

The bottom image seems a bit gree-tinted - maybe correct that.

I gave the shadows a touch of blue. maybe that causes the green tones. I didn´t see that. I am colorblind :-(

that is pretty neat...good shot!