Critique the Community

Images Taken During Quarantine

Submit Your Best Image Taken During Quarantine
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 09 Apr 20 02:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.54 - "Needs Work" 

I'm sure this current situation makes us all appreciate the little things we have always taken for granted. For me, it has been the fact I live in a small country, in a relatively small town by the world's standards. It has been immensely beneficial to my mental health, being able to just hop into my car and drive off without meeting any people. I cannot fathom how difficult it must be for people living in multimillion people cities, confined to their apartments just because they would come across 150 people only by walking a block from their house.

Shot on Fujifilm X-T3 + 50-140mm, basic film simulation + LR adjustments. No funny business applied.

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