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Images Taken During Quarantine

Submit Your Best Image Taken During Quarantine
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 09 Apr 20 02:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.69 - "Needs Work" 

Saturday, noon walk. Down by the river with my stepmums dog, Toosie. just some basic colour processing and cropped in Photoshop CS6.

The weather has been really nice as of late.

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I like the thoughtful expression of your stepmom's dog!
I think I would've lowered the highlights a tad bit to add some contrast, in my opinion.

Woops i actually bumped it up on a second edit for here. XD yeah i feel you about the contrast. is it worth resubmitting or too late? i'm not fussed, i know i'm no pro at photography, just thought it might be fun to join up here.

If you want to, you could resubmit if you wanted something with a bit less highlights. I see the photo has only been up a few minutes.

As long as you're happy with the image I wouldn't stress about it, though :) It's a nice arena to check out other people's work and find some inspiration sometimes

To be fair, there might not be a whole lot i can do to improve it, i did push the highlights and shadows quite far.

just a quick edit. is this better or would you say to adjust more? it'd be nice to have more feedback honestly. the original you hadn't seen looked quite flat, i edited it the other day, then came back today to post it here after some more time with it.

It's a start, but I also think you can do better. I can also add e.g.
1) reflections on water can be very distracting and it's difficult to lower highlights without causing the image to look gray

2) Although the dog's head is leveled out, the tilt where the background and water meet is distracting.

You gotta keep certain elements in mind. Pay extra attention to composition and background when lining up the image.

That's fair enough. Thanks for the advice!

just a quick question.

would this have been a better image? the noise is quite noticeable and i have a distaste for how noise reduction ends up looking. i also chose the other because it felt more relevant. not entirely so, but it is me out with the dog as opposed to something with no context at all.

Maybe it could have made for a stronger composition, with some centering and different lighting / contrast?

Not sure how I would've rated it for this particular contest; then again, the competition only states 'images taken during quarantine'. I guess any image which doesn't immediately reflect 'quarantine' is up to the individual's understading (myself included).

That said, I do like the focus and shallow depth of field.

Well the shallow depth of field is mainly due to the lighting, it was just the ceiling light in the bedroom. i used the 32mm f1.4 and had it stopped at F1.4. I only managed 1/60th shutter speed, which makes things difficult when you have no IS. i did manage it though, 2 out of 3 photos were sharp enough. i didn't want to up the iso over 400 cause i knew the noise would be greater. it was a bit under exposed, this image.

Oh, there's 11 of this same shot i took in burst and all of them have her mouth open panting except this one, and i liked the expression too.