Critique the Community


Show Us Your Best Photos That 'Tell a Story'
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 26 Sep 20 17:30:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.17 - "Snap Shot" 

Many years ago, I was walking around Venice, walked over a bridge and saw this (most likely Gypsy) woman begging. I saw the irony of her dress - and later being under a small shrine) in this very Catholic nation and quickly took her photo. (Yes, I did give her some money after taking her photo. She did not move or acknowledge the contribution.)

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Well, I think that this is the last time I submit anything in these contests. People are harsh. :-(

Thanks for letting me know.

It also has to do with the rating descriptions. A 1-star rating indicates the photo is a "snapshot", meaning anyone with their iPhone could have taken that image. It also means that there was no preproduction work and that the image was more than likely taken on the fly or in a spur of the moment situation. This photo falls into that category. It does have a story and fits the competition, however it's still a snapshot image. A 2-3 star rating is the average in these competitions, where above 3 stars is above average. Extremely rare for an image to ever be rated over 4 stars as well. Keep submitting and strive for that higher rating. You'll find your photography will grow over time.

Thanks for your comment. I just may quit fStoppers. To me, there's too much emphasis on the technical, (to me, unreal) color saturation, slickness, set-up and post-processing. I'm more of a Cartier-Bresson type admirer/shooter/observer.

Taking a picture of a homeless person/bagger doesn't tell you their story. It's easy to take the shot of someone kneeling with their head down... now you need to sit down with them and try and understand their story. You assume a lot about this person.